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Friday, August 8, 2008

Overflowing Blessings

I didn't felt well today. :))

Economics. Uhhh. Great. Laugh trip. Supply / Demand Schedule / Curve. :)
History. Reporting. Group 1. Economical Transformation -- Spanish Era. Game. The reporters will give the transformation and the other Groups including us will picture it out by a tableau. :) The winner? Excempted in their topic quiz! :D Thank God, we won. Our winning piece: -- Filipino Wake. Haha!

Our Group's own version of "Paglalamay"
That's me. "nagsusugal" in green jacket. :))

Group 2
Group 3

Fair judging eh? :)) So we got EXCEMPTED! Yey! And our reporting will be moved up to next century na. Haha.

Lunch. Gota Canteen. Freedom Park. Yay! First and ever succesful cell group with YA Peeps. :) Ate Aimee, Ate Kat and Sharleen. :D Woo. Cool. I learned many things from my ATEs. They're both good singers. Hmm. Hope I can sing too. God is really faithful.. "Only dead fishes go through the flow. So go against it." c: I led the closing prayer. I was really blessed by our fellowship. :)

Ate Aimee shared this song to us. It became her prayer during exasperating times. It came from Hillsong's newest Album, This is Our God.

Desert Song

This is my prayer in the desert,
When all that's within me feels dry,
This is my prayer in my hunger and need,
My God is the God who provides,


And this is my prayer in the fire,
In weakness, or trial, or pain,
There is a faith proved more worth than gold,
So refine me Lord through the flame,


I will bring praise,
I will bring praise,
No weapon formed against me shall remain,
I will rejoice, I will declare,
God is my victory and He is here,


This is my prayer in the battle,
When triumph is still on its way,
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ,
So firm on his promise I'll stand,


All of my life, in every season,
You are still God,
I have a reason to sing,
I have a reason to worship,

(repeat Chorus)
And this is my prayer in the harvest,
When favour and providence flow,
I know I'm filled to be emptied again,
The seed I receive I will sow

Natural Science. Yey! Electronic Configuration. My fave! :) And of course, Balancing. Chemistry sucks, but I love it.

PE. Practice for the Combination Axial and Locomotor Movement. Good thing we were saved by the bell. We're not yet prepared, [we don't have our music, trully God SAVES!] and it was a blessing! No more time to present the dance. Wee. Moved, next meeting.

As I said, I didn't felt well today. And I really need rest 'cause I've been sleeping so late these past few days [the reason why I always come to school late] and I really need to regain my strength back. Hmm. One of the reasons why I sleep late? I chat with my Mom. Time differences. -6 hours. Owell, I really thank God with overflowing blessings that I've been receiving. Good grades. Moving ministry. Happy Family. Tangible things. Haha!

--♡♡♡ Peace kami ni BabyPrince. ='>

It's 7:39 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

No Silent Readers!

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