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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

One blood. One Faith. One God.

LizzyLiz Happy 5! ;)

Ok no Economics. NO HISTORYY!! Because we have our Mass Communication Freshmen Familiarization Conference. Yay! Excused from 8:00 - up to 1:00pm. No Natural Science and what so ever! :))

Freshmen Familiarization. At UCC. It's too cold inside. Haha. My classmates were all Ooooh-ing and Ahhhhh-ing for my hair-do. Sounds funny though, but it's true. Especially Carlo, Jordan and Joji. Haha. They admire me so much. Because of my chick bones. Eheehh. :)) Vanity Strikes. Everyone in the room were all Mass Communication Students. No wonder everyone was noisy. The cold UCC was filled with clever MC Students. :D Then the program started. Kuya Francis and Ate Myrtle was the Master of Ceremonies. Both Seniors. They are definitely good in public speaking. Both active with different org's inside the campus. Ok, I admit, Kuya Franics looks good especially while speaking. Haha. There's no harm in admiring a person. :">

Em Cadivida, the 1st year Representative of the Mass Communication Society led the prayer and the singing of the National Anthem. To warmly welcome us, Mr Jaime An Lim the dean of IAS or the Institute of Arts and Sciences, remarked. Calling of Blocks. I now know that the Mass Comm freshies has 9 blocks. We are Block 2. MC0812

MC- Mass Communication
08- Enrolled Year 2008
1- First year or first sem? Not sure 'bout this.
2- Block Number.

We have to cheer for our block. We did shooked the conference hall. Haha.
MCs: Let's hear it from block 2!
Beauty: Hep hep?!?!
MC0812: Horraaaaace!
Everyone: *Laughs* Haha!

Introduction of Department -- By Professor May Garin. She spoke about the Department of Communication. Cool fact: The Communication Department is now holding 19 Million Philippine Peso! For What? To improve and renovate the Department's facilities. And another cool fact: Our batch will be able to use that new things for better hands-on education. Blessed, truly. :) She read about 4 pages of printed document. From the Department head. I don't know who. But I've got to say this. There were no, as in NO boring moments. Haha. They all speak good. Fluent in English. Fluent in diction. Yea, I admire them and I'm really looking forward to be their student in the next years of my Mass Comm Stud life. Haha! So here's the cliche, haha. Next speaker was Professor Jhonalyn Concha. [A good one too.] She introduced and made us familiar with the Mass Communication Curriculum. From 1st year to 4th year. Cool! We're going to deal with Psychology and Government Constitutions and Radio, TV, Movie ek ek! Yaaay! And and and! many more! *excited* Then, 2nd sem -- College Algebra! Yeeey! Haha, but the silence broke. Everyone was now talking and murmuring. Because of the Math Subjects that they saw from the projector. Haha. 4th year - Statistics [Major] Nyaha. Actually I really want to challenge myself so I didn't complain at all. :D Math, math, math! Haha. I wonder why many people hates Math, I admit I don't love Math the way I used to love it before, [I used to be the representative of our school and win contests in Mathematics. Haha! Would you believe? :))] but I always wanted to excel on it by any means. If I would be favored upon doing it, I guess. Haha. So much for Math. ;P PE- Yikes! TABLE Tennis??? :O

Yey. Intermission Number -- Art Theatre Clinique's own version of a dance interpretation of "Mama Mia" Oh noooo! I was surprised when I saw Ate Aimee! A Youth Alive attendee! Nyaha. Took some pictures. They're great. Considering the fact that they're group is just under the IAS and not covered by the whole campus because FEU's registered and recognized Theater group is the FEU Theater Guild. [Ate Myrtle and Jemmah, my classmate are members of it. :)] So that's the introduction for the Information about Academic and Non-Academic Organizations which was laid down to us by Professor Roger Bingculado. Then spoke about the Information of Outstanding FEU Mass Communication Graduates. Yess. Everyone was excited to hear about this topic. And surprisingly, I found out that there are lots'a known people of today were FEU GRADS! Coooool! :D Some of them were the well known Ai-Ai deLas Alas, Wendy Valedez, of PBB Season 2, "CHRISTSUPER" of 90.7 Love Radio. "KID" of Pinoy Idol, finalist. Vote for him! Yea! Haha. And many many many more! :)) to find more of thses: GO to my multiply Account! If I would be uploading it early. :P COOL FACT: 2 out of the 3 representatives of the Philippines for the Film Making [I forgot] at South California, USA are from FEU. Still undergrads. Still students of FEU. Mass Comm, take note. Haha :DDD

So the program went on. It was really cold and I couldn't help visiting the comfort room. Haha. Then FORUM. Students had their chance to ask questions about our course. Bonding moments with the professors and other higher years. Picture taking Mass Comm Society, IAS Officers and etc. Evaluation form. I graded them EXCELLENT! Cool Conference. No dull moments. :)

Lunch. McDo. tripping with the straw. Haha! :)) because of our long free time, we don't have anything to do. We stayed at the Freedom Park. As typical Mass Comm Students, my classmates tended to talk to strangers. Haha. We are all the same. So as I approach them, they're talking to some one. An AB English Senior year student. Yea. And so we are all speaking in English. Trying to be friends with him. He' s very approachable and nice. Laugh trips because of wrong English. Then I was kidding him by speaking with wrong grammar. Nyeh. Then I saw a big American man walking towards our way. So I told him,

Jeah: *pointing to the American* You know what? That's my father. I call him Tatay. Haha!
All: *laughs*
AB English Student: Oh really that's your Daddy? *looks at the American*
Jeah: Yep. Haha.
All: *laughs*
AB English Student: Ahh.. That's your Daddy pala ahh. Wait lang.. *Approaches the American*
My Classmates: Hala ka Jeah! Kilala niya..
AB English Student: *To the American* Kuya Kevin, tell me. Do you know this girl? She claims that she's your daughter.
Jeah: *Laughing but ashamed of myself*
American: Oh yea she's my daughter! *Approached me and tapped my shoulders*
My Classmates: Haha nakiride! *laughs*
Jeah: Oh see? *still ashamed*
AB English Student: Haha, everyone, he is Kuya Kevin. A missionary here in the Philippines. He's a cool man. Haha.
American: Oo astig ako. Di ako nangangagat.*But still has an accent of Amrican English*
Jeah: Waaaa! Straight tagalog! Picture picture!
*Photo shoot*
AB English Student: 6 years na kasi siya dito. So I leave you guys, talk to Kuya Kevin ok? God bless you all! Nice meeting you! *Waves*

Just understand. Hihi. Our conversations was way too hilarious eh. OK so Kuya Kevin Sanders is a missionary from Crossway Ministries, Inc. of Alabama, USA. He's been ministering Filipino college students for almost 6 years now. He got our numbers, e-mail addresses and websites. I was so excited to know him. Since we don't have classes, we stayed at the Freedom Park. He shared about God. He gave out Bible Tracks. Five Facts about Life. For unbelievers. Though we're only 8, and 5 of us were already Christians, he still continued. And I was really blessed by his passion to share the word. :) He already knows how to speak in Tagalog but he said he still cannot read Tagalog words. Haha. So I linked his site in my blog. And the really cool thing about him is that HE IS THE AUTHOR of the book BASTA LOVE LIFE that I always see in different Christian bookstores! Yey! I met an author of a Christian Book! Face to face! That was really cool! :D

Basta Love Life - Kevin Sanders

Just visit his site if you want. He has articles regarding love and etc. And one more thing: We both love Caffeine. Haha! And he is really fun to be with. One of the reasons is he know a little bit of Tagalog, but tries hard to say it right. Prayed the sinner's prayer. My other 3 unbeliever classmates accepted Christ through him. God is really great in using people to expand His kingdom! :) What a blessed day! Jeah, ang galing ni Lord noh? Di ko akalaing Christian pala siya. Tapos pinansin mo tapos basta may lukso ng dugo. *Smiles* - Russel. A Christian Blockmate. Reason for my Blog Title. :]

Kuya Kevin with us. :)

PE. Reporting. Our Group. Axial Movements. Practice. Duh. Again and again. Dance presentation! Hate it. :)) Dismissed.

Went home. Ok. We had a fight. :|
Iwan mo na ako. Wala ako kwenta. Kung di mo ako iiwan ako na alang aalis. Di bale na ako masama. Wala ana ako paki.
Hindi na nga kita mahal. Hindi kita mahal at never kitang minahal.
Oo. May mahal na akong iba, at wala ka na dun kung sinu yun! Sino ka ba para malaman yun??
Ok. I know this fight never stopped. But I still have faith fot our progress.

READ! Important. Need help. :) I saw this 'Yves Ashley' that viewed my account -- August 4, 2008

So here's my message to all: :)
Help me guys! If you know this guy -- or whatever he/she is, PLEASE KINDLY INFORM me. http://profiles.friendster.com/52523272 He/She grabbed every photos of mine. I don't even know him/her. I don't want to SPAM him or Block him as a user, ['cause I'm not that mean or rude] but he/she is really stepping into my privacy. I don't even know how am I connected to him/her. He/she also grabbed pictures from our Church Ministry- Corban and form my church mate- Alexis. I don't know if he/ she really is studying in FEU. Would you help me know him/her? Thanks. Thanks. Feel free to send me IMs if ever. God bless!

Sorry for another long post. ;]

It's 11:48 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

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