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Friday, July 25, 2008

Do I deserve this?

★Thursday, July 24,2008
NO class. :D Morning! Got up late. Haha! I have a class at San Fransisco High School today. Hope I will have the lesson plan in my hands before 12:00 noon. :)) I wasn't able to get it last Sunday because, oyea I remember, it wasn't really given out to us VOICE [Values Orientation In Classroom Education] teachers. :D As I said, I got up late!! I panicked knowing that I still have to meet Kuya Alex at WoH to get the lesson plan. Woah! Unprepared teaching? Naaah! I'm prepared spiritually. ;) I went off.

At WoH -- Too many people. The crowd was thick. Haha, it then sank into my mind that it was the last day for John Maxwell's Seminar. Million Leaders Mandate. :) So I looked for Kuya Alex in the Pastoral's office. Haha! Pastor Jun and Pastor Bob are really comical! I helped Kuya Alex in printing 'rush notice' for the selling of the Seminar's DVD copy. Waaaa! The people are going gaga! [for those who doesn't know, GAGA is an English word. It means "Di mapakali" in Tagalog. Okaaay, I sound so defensive. =P] I'm gonna be late in my class! Only to find out that there were NO WRITTEN LESSON PLAN for that week. We just have to review the students of the past lesson and implant them that praying is important. Haha! Sigh of relief. I carried the big heavy plastic bag, inside it are the pieces of paper -- Parent's Permit for the 2nd year students of SFHS to attend the upcoming Youth Rally. They are all required to attend it as part of the requirements of their VOICE subject. :P

As I walk my way to the room of my class -- Second Year - Section Six they were all shouting. Like, cheering? Yeah.Haha! Told you I am definitely laaaaate.Haha! Good thing Janz and Jeanine were already there, supervising my class. They're also part of Youth Alive, my assistant teachers. I do the teaching, they do the sitting! :)))))

It was hoooot! I refreshed them by means of recitation regarding the last topic. They were all noisy. I got a little bit mad. I felt disrespect. "ITAAS ANGKAMAAAAAY!!! ITAKIP SA BIBIIIIIIIG" At the back of my mind, I was laughing seeing them slightly affected by my mood. "I don't want to get mad but you are forcing me!"

I gave a surprise quiz [10 items] I guess I wasn't that bad, I allowed them to review their notes for 5minutes. :D Then Kuya Alex and Kuya Bobby arrived. Kuya Bob is the coordinator of YA - San Fransisco. They took some of the permits to be given away to all the sections in the 2nd year. Then laugh trip. They say I'm a funny teacher. :P bare with me, my students. HAHA! Dismissed them at 1:05.

Back at WoH. Talked with Janz, I saw the praise and worship team. They have practice every Thursdays. And hmp. 'Tay Marvin [Pastor Marvin, our youth pastor, we call him TATAY] talked with me, got my slippers off, then threw it down the lobby. Good thing, it's just us present there. Cool tripping 'Tay! Lakas trrrrrip! =)) Went home about 3:00, went OL. Chat with Jolyn at around 6:00-8:00, Arrel, 6:20-7:20+ and Lizzy at around 7:00-10:00.

Yea, this was the day that I bursted out about my feelings. I am really sorry if anyone, specifically Jolyn thought that I was mad at her. At around 8:24pm, I received a text from JP. "Bakit mu inaway si Jolyn?" Jolyn told him everything. Then JP called. I was really crying hard at this moment. I don't want to elaborate things further. That's just it. JP and I is in a fight. I'm not mad with Jolyn. I'm mad of what they're CONSISTENTLY doing. :( Hey! It's me JEAH! I have feelings you know. :(( JP went online, 10:11pm. Wrong timing. Shobe needs to use the computer. So I send him a message, that I want to talk to him since it will be the second or third day without communicating with him. He said everyone is mad at him. I was really crying too hard. Toooooo haaard because of many things AND because he thought of going to JZone and not to attend YA anymore. :(

We talked. We are at the edge of resolving things. Daaaaah! Bad trip! Globe's network was delayed that night. I was so tired and my eyes are bulging way too big because of crying non-stop. So I think, he first fell asleep, then me. I never thought this would happen. I prayed when I woke up saw the computer at the other room is still working without anyone using it, so I went online. For the first time, I was able to chat with Gene. Weeee! All of a sudden, I fell in love with her. The same love that I have for Lizette. Haha! This entry must have the title: When the exaggeration, exaggerates! Haha. I won't tell you how the conversation started and how it ended. Next post, promise. Then slept again. 4:20.am :D

God, forgive me. I don't want to hurt anyone. What should I do this time? Think of the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE God has implanted me, or think about my self first? Do I deserve this? :'(

It's 9:42 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

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    At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

    -- Jeah

    Acts 20:24 --
    "Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

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