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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

He is faithful

I woke up early to finish our group's visual aid for our presentation. Crammer much?! =))

Filipino. I went to school so early 'cause I have the copy of our group presentation and my group mates also need to have their own copy as an individual grade. :| Haha, again, I'm not complaining. :)) My Daddy prepared the sandwich. Yeee! Laugh trup for all the presentations.

Group 1- Pastillas de leche
Group 2- Chopseuy
Group 3- Chicken and Egg Sandwich
Group 4- Leche Flan

Good thing, it was a success! We got a hundred percent. "Ang sarap!" -- Mrs. David. Thank God! :)

English. Prelims. Oh Boy! I didn't study at all. Haha! Confident or what? I don't know. It's hard from my own perspective. Is this what happens to those who do not read and study their notes? The results will tell. :S Haha. While taking the exams [The silence inside the room is deafening! :))], Mrs. Alimuin called Jane. Obviously, everyone stared and wondered why. Haha. Including me. =P Then after a while, she called me. Ohno, I wonder why. Haha! She asked me to check my blockmates' papers. Nyahaha. She's seemingly procrastinating, HAHA! She gaved me 5pts. for that. Professor's pet? Nah! She doesn't even know me that well. Maybe. :)) Checking those papers are hard. Our last test papers was long enough to be lazy to check it. I understand our professor. :D "Don't tell anyone, ok? *smiles*" -- Mrs. Alimuin.

Those who are finished can get out of the room.
After Exams. I got out.
Mommy Che: Nak, you answered the essay?
Yda: Ang hirap noh?
Jeah: *I was panicking*, "HA? ESSAY? SAAN DUN? WALA AKONG NAKITA!?"
Joses: Test V! Di mo nakita?
Mommy Che: Di ko din nakita.. Bumalik nga ako sabi ni prof di na pwede sagutan e.
Yda: Sayang, you know better than me. Tungkol kay God pa naman.
Jeah: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Weeeh! Saan dun?
All: *Laughs*

So I decided to join them. Haha! Lakas Trip talaga.. We ask everyone coming out of the door, "Nasagutan mo yung Essay?"
"20 points pa naman yun" =P

Haha. They also panicked. Some of them went inside and checked if it's true. Laughtrip. Haha! "Kawawa naman sila. Hahahahaha!" -- Marvin. Some of them also tried to remember if there's really an essay. =)) Yuji, the most affected one. He didn't stop blaming his self. "Ano ba yan, may essay pala.. Wala na bagsak na ako. *frowns*" Hahaha. Poor Yuji.

Lunch. Near UE. Back to the campus -- Freedom Park, Cell Group. We, [Ate Kat and I] talked about how faithful God is. We had many problems regarding the seriousness of our co-workers at church studying at FEU. :| But God is really really faithful. He does not fail us. He does not let us down. And we are decided to invade and shake down the floors of FEU for God. :D I led the prayer. It was long. Haha. Ate Kat changed the day of our cell group so that Ate Amiee [4th Yr - Mass Comm], Sharleen [Freshie - Nursing] and Carlo [Freshie - Fine Arts] can join us -- Every Fridays, 10:30 am. :)

Computer. Sir James dicussed about MS Excel. Activity. Budget Projection. Laugh trip again. Joses started it. ;))
Joses: Uyy blockmates, pahinging piso, ipprint daw 'to e.
Marvin: Ipprint?
*Everybody was like.. "Wehh? Ipprint?"*
Grace: Who told you?
*Everybody stared at Joses*
Joses: Stupid people! HAHAHAHA!

I went to Kuya Alex' store in Munoz, because I need the lesson plan for tomorrow. Yeeey! I'll be teaching again. We talked. Not that long when I saw some of my students in SFHS. They're buying something for their project. Hihi. "Ma'am jeah! Bakit lagi kayu magkasama ni Sir Alex?" =))

McDo. Loner. At 3:20, GSI. Jeepoy saw me. I told him not to tell Jp that I'm there. "Sure ka? 5 pa uwian namin!" Haha. I didn't know. So I waited. Mikee saw me. My BOSSING! :D Aww, she gave me a letter dated July 13, 2008. I was really touched. :) Bored, I went to Paradise Village Playground. Loner agaaaaaain. I prayed. Aloud. I didn't shout though I wanted to 'cause I'm near the chapel. I would be branded 'crazy' if I would do that. I sang "You are my Lord, You are my God" :) Hihi. I cried. I'm having too many problems these past few days. Thank God, He never fails. :) back to GSI, I heared the "CHOIR" singing. Haha. They're good. :P Uh, dismissed.

JP: Kanina ka pa?
Jeah: Di! Kararating ko lang!
JP: Di nga?
Jeah: Oo! Kararating ko lang kaninang 3:20! :))

T.Tin: Jeah, bakit mo dinadalaw si JP?
JP: Weeh! 'Cher naman e! Di niya ako dinadalaw!
T.Tin: Ano lang? Sinusndo? HAHAHA!
S. Arnold: Yaaak JP mahiya ka naman sinusndo ka pa ni Jeah!
JP: Sir naman e, pag wednesday talaga pupunta siya dito.
S. Arnold: para? Para sunduin ka? HEHEHE!
JP: Tara na nga *HATAK HATAK*
T.Tin: Jeah alam mo ba si JP ha.. Alam mo ba na ano..
Jeah: Sige po ano pu yun? Sabihin niyo po.
Jeah: Ba't ba nagmamadali ka?
JP: Baka may malaman ka e.
T. Tin & S.Arnold: HAHAHA Aminado! =))

Near the gate of Paradise Village:
T.Tin: O kita mu yan papasundo ka tapos aawayin mo lang..
JP: 'Cher di ko siya inaaway
T.Tin: E ba't badtrip na yan si Jeah?
S.Arnold: Ano ba dapat gawin diyan ha?
T.Tin: Iwanan na yan!
S.Arnold: Tama Jeah, iwanan mo na yan, dito ka na sumabay samin.
Jeah: *BADTRIP =))*

We went to their house. I didn't planned coming in. But Jiah saw me. Haha. How cute, she forced me to come in. :)) And forced me to hold Baby Roj. I love you Jiah. She hugged me! :) JP and I had to deal with some important matters -- HIS BIRTHDAY! So there, we talked, we fought, we argued, we cried, we prayed, we held hands, we hugged each other, we smiled, we laughed. WE LOVE. Haha, sounds corny. Humiliating. HAHA! But it's true. Something's wrong with me that is why we keep on fighting. Yah. Put the blame on me. :) Went home. Slept. HAHA!

I decided not to go to Passion Manila. :\ Sorry Ate Diane and Kuya Calip. :|
Wee. 2 days to go -- SWEET SIXTEEN!

It's 7:41 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

No Silent Readers!

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