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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Ring

I woke up earlier as unexpected. Haha! I wasn't late. ;P And, I didn't reviewed a single thing in History or NatSci. =)) Prayed inside the jeepney, I fell asleep. Haha!

Economics. Russel's back! My classmates' grades were already given to them. But since I was absent last meeting, Sir Acomular still needs to compute mine. Then, he started discussing the Market Structures. We wrote notes.

History. Oh no. Haha! Quiz. He made mention about our grades.
Sir Horrace: "Many failed in my class, I am very disappointed. .. .. .." "..if you fail, you fail! No special assignments and projects. Face the consequence of belonging in a free section.. .."

WHATEVER SIR! LOOSIR! Haha, kiddin'! I don't think I belong to those who failed his class, though some of my quizzes are low, I am still active in recitation and in participating in the activities. In fact, he knows my name. My nickname, JEAH. Haha! We haggled for a discussion first before taking the quiz. Yeah, for the first time in HISTORY, our professor tackled our lessons! =P Legaspi-Urdaneta Expedition || Government under Spain. Hahaha! It seems that he enjoyed lecturing inn front that he forgot about the quiz. When he finished, he granted my classmates' request that our quiz will be moved next meeting. Hahaha! Yeah! :D

Lunch at a C-O-O-L Cafeteria near UE again. We're exploring Recto and the surroundings of U-Belt. :D The food was nice, though I need to finish my packed lunch. [My Daddy wants to be assured that I eat only clean and well prepared foods, and he is always conscious about anything that are stomach is into. Haha! So he always prepare packed lunch and sandwiches for me. Sounds very High School, right? :))] And the utensils they use was clean and pretty attractive and presentable. They also have television inside. The Bee Movie! =))

Their untensils && plate [Carinderia ba 'to?]

The COOL Glass

Yuji, Erika and Rizza bought Happy-Haus Donuts.
Marvin: Patikim, let me try kung masarap.
Rizza: Oh, sa'yo na. Pleeh! I don't want the taste. Haha!
*Marvin tried*
Marvin: Ayoko talga ng Happy-haus!
Jeah: Eh.. What do you want?
Marvin: I want something unique.. Yung humahagod.. *with matching hand gestures* Yung may kiliti.. Yung nagpapainit.. Alam mo 'yun?
Jeah: Uhm, tara Library tayo. ;D
Library. Seatmate -- Marvin. Haha! Ridiculous people. Studied a bit. Then ran off.

NatSci. Our grades were given. Only 3 from my classmates got 1.25 haha, I know I didn't. ;P My Prelim Exam Grade = 76% [38/50, Low transmutation of grades -_- That is College.] Class Standing = 94 - "1.25 ka sana, but the exam is a big factor." - Mrs. Blas
Total = 88.31 - 1.50 Not bad! :) Praise God.

[Do you think this is fair? Welcome to College Grading System ;D]
94. 6 -- 100 = 1.00
89.5 -- 94.5 = 1.25
85.6 -- 89.4 = 1.50
and so on.. so forth.

Laugh trips with Mrs. Blas. "Magkapatid ba kayu ni Siervo?" =))

Free Time. Went to E-Library. Cool, anything is allowed. Except for videos and other downloadable sites like YouTube. :]]

PE. Group practice. I'm starting to get mad at my groupmates. :| I don't know why. This is not me. I used to love being a leaderof a certain group, well, I still do. But, they're not cooperative. They will always refuse what I suggest but they cannot make up anything helpful for our group. Waaa. We have so many upcoming group projects and presentations to come. [SAME GROUUUPP!!] I don't want to be mean at them. I always try to understand them. :\ So now, I'm downloading songs from LimeWire, hmp. For our Locomotor Skills Presentation this Friday. I'll also do the choreo. Wow! Encoding the "Paglalahad" [How to make a Chicken and Egg Sandwich] for Filipino tomorrow. And I still have many individual home works to finish. Notes to study!! D: Haha! I'm not complaining, I'm a crammer. A good one. =P And I know, God has something for me at the end of all these things. :)

Asking about the title? Nah, I just remembered how many times my ring was nearly lost and there's no posibbility that it will still be found, but for some reason, it was! One time, it was lost for almost 2 days, but still I found it. :D I wonder what is in this ring? Haha, an engraved JEAHPEE, of course. But, really? How can this be true? JP is also telling me stories of how his ring got lost many times but still recovered. ;P How blessed we are. :) -- One reason why I don't want to let go. :D Haha, I maybe dumb founded by this reason, but for me, there's more deeper meaning in it that God can only tell.


It's 5:41 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

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