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Sunday, July 27, 2008

How much do you love ME?

★Friday, July 25, 2008
Happy Birthday to Julisa and Gene! :D

As promised, I'll talk about this -- 12:38am to be exact, I sent Gene an IM. Haha. My mind was hesitating at first. :P But then, the flow of a typical conversation goes on. Then, it became not just a good talk, but a healthy one. Laughter is the best medicine! =P Haha. FC. Yah right, don't care. :) I love Lizzy and so was her cousin. :D Our talk was really hilarious and a bit serious. HAHA!. Don't know why? 'Cause Christians are naturally born happy. :) It was fun talking with her, knowing it was the first time, IT'S A PHENOMENON. Haha! Exaggeration strikes again. But we chatted for almost 4 hours, I think. From 12:30 something here, to 4:20 something. :P That was long. Haha! I was really down at that time and I thank God that Gene helped me to feel better. "Ingat ka sa pagpasok mamaya baka madapa ka.." Thanks for the time, Genebeb! :)

So, I got up late again because of sleeping in the morning. :| Cried a lot, as usual. Is it a tradition? :'( Haha! I wasn't able to attend my first class, Economics I, one of my favorites. I went off from house, 7:30 am [that's the start of my first class. ;)] Waaaa. I also can't help but sleep inside the jeepney. Haha. I feel dizzy that time. On the way to school, Yda sent me a message "Congrats top 2 ka sa Prelims ng Econ!" I was like, "ME? TOP 2? WHAAAAAAT???!!" Haha, never expected to be one of the highest 'cause I never focused in studying Economics, though I admit our professor is a good one. Owell, God guided me when I was taking the exam. That is why. Yeeheee! :D

When I reached my next class all of my classmates were like, "Congrats Jeyaaaaaaaah!!" and me, "Glory to God *all smiles*" Haha! History. Sir Horrace gave us a big problem once again. A presentation for our Midterms. Yaaah. So no lectures. No lessons. Just group by group meeting. =)) laugh tripping. Our group was really confident. Cultural Transformation - Spanish Era. Haha. We finished so fast while the other groups really used the time to talk well about their presentation.

Sir Horrace: (to the class) Is that clear?
Jeah: (impersonating him, to Jordan. Then Jordan suddenly stuck out his tongue.) Is that clean? [Yes, I said CLEAN. Sadya.] Blah blah!..
Jordan: *laughs* Yes it is. Lick it so you'll know. C'mon!

Lunch at the cafeteria near UE. Thriftily ate my packed lunch. Haha.
NatSci. The results of the Prelims were given. yes, I'm warning you. Don't expect. Haha, I'm not good at subjects which includes formulas and computation. In short -- numbers. But I love Physics though! :)) I was surprised that I still belong to the highest scorers. God is really really great. :D I got 38/50. Haha! Is that high? 12 mistakes?! Not for me, but still I thanked God for the good result.

Free time. FEU ADVOCATE newspaper is already out. It's the UAAP Special! Haha. We went to NRH to get a copy for ourselves then I went to the library to "read" it. Haha. 'Cause all I want is to recharge my batteries. I need to text the GSI Seniors, they are scheduled to go to the different universities that day so I'll help them submit their forms there.

It was nearly 3:00 [time of my next class, PE] when JP said that they are already near the vicinity of FEU. So I went outside the campus to fetch them. Kuya Calip & Ate Diane was with JP. And so I led them to the admissions. Only to find out that they left their 2x2 pictures with Tin, that is currently submitting their forms at UST together with Momhie Beii. They're already running out of time so they need not to wait for Tin and Momhie any more. We left Kuya Calip and Ate D there and went to a Photo Studio. He is in a hurry 'cause he'll be going to Mapua. I wasn't able to attend PE. I cut it. Is this me? :( We hurried off to Mapua. Thanks for Kuya John. He taught me how to go there. As we walked, we saw Momhie and Tin on their way to FEU. Awww. Too bad JP already got his new 2x2 pictures.

MAPUA -- Kuya John accompanied as to the Treasury, and Admissions. Cool. They don't have their uniforms. We waited for Kuya John's dismissal. Then we went home together. Bad mood. So I didn't even talk a bit. :\ They both went to UST to meet with Tin, Momhie Bea and Osep. I didn't come with them not because I don't want to, but because I can't take it not to talk with JP though we are together. :( It was the first time I think.

So then, my phone got robbed. I really don't care about the phone. It's just a spare phone. But you know, what I am really worried about, tomorrow is the Youth rally. I need communication for my invites. Cellphone is really important to me because of Evangelism. Not because of worldly matters. So I am really sorry for those people that is irritated with my Group Messages about GOD.

WoH. Cell Group. :)
"The measure of your love for God shows in your actions."
"Desperation -- The currency of Heaven"
How much do you love Me? -- God.

Went home about 9pm. Chit chat with some people. Chat with JP. Cried again. I first thought of good things that's why I'm really happy to talk to him, but then it ended not good. He got mad at me. :( And because France needs to use their computer, we were not able to talk again. I need to talk to him! Momhie Beii and Lizzy, thanks a lot!

I called him. I never thought that I would cry soooo big. Sooo hard. And sooo long. Thank God. The chaos already ended. No need to write here everything. Just imagine me, a grown-up teenager asking, crying and begging for a piece of lollipop. Got the metaphor? How Ironic. But then I know, it is God's will. I always pray that may God's will be done, not mine. Slept around 12 midnight. Praise God, praise God, PRAISE GOD!

I love you.
Sorry for those who got disappointed with my decision.

It's 4:08 AM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

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    At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

    -- Jeah

    Acts 20:24 --
    "Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

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