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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lord, have Your Way!

Filipino. Haha I tought I'm going to be late again, but as God usually do, He always saves. So I was saved. I was surprised to see no one inside the SB104, then noticed a note posted on the door. To MC0812: Go to AB304 for our Film Review. -- Mrs. David [Filipno Subject, dapat Tagalog! Ahahaha!] Yey! Film Review. So I went to Arts Building and saw my blockmates waiting for our Professor to arrive. She got the AVR open. Nyaaah. So what's the film? A VERY SPECIAL LOVE, starring John Lloyd Cruz and Sarah Geronimo. :)) Haha. Ma'am David is really funny.

So the Film started. Some of my classmates suggested to replace the movie when Ma'am stepped out of the room. Sukob na lang! Ang conry niyan ehh! Haha. But it's the required movie so we have to bare with it. But as expected some of my TRUE GIRL classmates want so watch it. Kilig moments of John Lloyd and Sarah. Haha. Though we are only 39 inside the room, it seems that we are more than that because of their shouts. Nakakakilig ehh. - Divine. :P Unfortunately, we were not able to finish it because it's already time. "Ma'am sige mag over time ka na late naman lagi English prof namin eh haahha!" But she refused to. Very professional professor. Okaaay, how ironic. :))

English. Tenses. Hmpf. Another boring class. I really love English, the only subject that I excell into. Naaah, jsut kidding. But too bad, too bad, very bad, our professor is boring. Teaching wise- she is good, but by the way she handles our class? A big BOOO && thumb's down. :D Sorry, Honesty is the best policy. :| I'll definitely give her a low grade in evaluation. I promise myself, I don't want to be rude when it comes in grading professors, but for me, they must get a grade that they deserve. -- The line that all of the teachers never missed to tell their students. :))

Lunch break. Alex was with us. Very unusual. Hahaha! :P I don't need to speed up in eating 'cause our cell group was moved. It'll be every Fridays. :)

Computer. Every Wednesdays -- Laboratory [Hands-on] and every Saturday -- Lecture/ Quizzes. MS Excel againnn. Activity -- Budget Projection. Near Western University instead of Far Eastern U. Hahaha! :)) While doing the activity...
Laugh trip. FEU lost a game with NU Bulldogs yesterday.
Jeah: Tamaraws! nilapa ng Bulldogs!
All: *laughs*
after 5 minutes..
Jeah: UAAP UPDATE: Tamaraws nilapa ng Bulldogs
Jordan: Bulldogs nilapa si BAE!
All:*Laughed out loud* [including Sir. Haha. Bae is our fat classmate, for those who are wondering why we laughed.]

McDo. Road20. JP doesn't want me to go to GSI. I don't know why. Bad boy, he didn't attended their practice. Choir chuchu. 1pc Chicken. Laugh trip. Jeepoy and Tin arrived. Then they went home. They just walked in to see my new 'do. Nyek? All we did was talk about anything under the sun and to laugh about what we talked. Huh? Haha. :D He went home.

WoH. Cell Group. I wonder why Domar called for a cell today. Haha.

Samson -- getting Out of Your own trouble As a Leader
`Judge 16: 1- 31

★ one of Israel's greatest Judge
★ Waged war against the Phillistine
★ Called by God to serve
★ Famous for his great strength
★ A man of Faith
★ but A man of failure.. and..

He went with a prostitute 'cause he saw it.
~the greatest entry point of temptation/ sin/ desires pf your heart -- What you see with your eyes.

The Most powerful Strength. And the most powerful pit fall. Love that becomes Lust.
Lust is not always about sexually connected desires, but it is the dangerous level of Love that replaces your Love for God.

The "falls" of a godly man:
1. v.4-5 Samson fell in love -- Delilah
~Christians tend to fall inlove with the world.
"A leader must always hang out with leaders. He will never settle for anything less."
"Bad character corrupts good conduct." "Iron sharpens iron."

2. v.6 Samson let Delilah control him. He always thinks he can manage but always end up defeated.
"Honest Mistakes" -- Christians tend to play with fire even they already know it's not good to do it. We always "THINK" we "CAN" handle it.

Highlight: v.6
Delilah asked Samson about his weaknesses.
~telling the secret of his great strength and how to subdue the man of God.

The 3 Pitfalls, ways that satan attacks..
1. v.7-9 "Thongs" or "Bowstrings"
~Warfare -- Spiritual Warfare - Formal Ground
~Frontal Attack, an oppression
~In any case, the enemy will persist -- v.10

2. v.11-12 "New Ropes"
~Workplace, Community, Area of Responsibility [Work, School, Ministry]
~A Subtle Attack, through deception
~In any case, the enemy will persist. -- v.13

3. v.13b-14 "Wearing the hair into fabric, tightening it with a pin"
~The house, Your personal Life/ Area
~A Charismatic Witchcraft Attack
~Whatever happens, the enemy will persist -- v.15a

Turning Point -- v.16
Love as the lethal weapon, v15b used in a preverse manner, partnered with persistence.

4. v.17 "The Fall"
~Samson finally told Delilah aboyt the powers of his hair
~Giving into the demands -- v.19-20
"When we choose to give in, God will leave us powerless.."

1. BE STILL --v.22
Samson set still, and know that there's still a God.
There is still hope. We all have to pay the price of our disobedienc, sin can be forgiven and forgotten, but its consequences are final and executing.

Samson held the pillars against the Phillistines
Go to the place wher you should go. Not to where you shouldn't be so you won't be entering another trouble.

3. DROPPING THE BOMB -- v.28-30
Samson Cried out to God for strength once again.
Cry out to God! Touch His heart.

As a Leader, remember these things:
★ Obedience is better than sacrifice
★ Do not be too confident
★ When you pray, always touch the heart of God -- Be intimate with Him! and..

I made a BIG DECISION today. And when I say BIG, it's definitely BIG. But still, Lord, have Your way in me! :)

It's 11:51 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

No Silent Readers!

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