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Thursday, December 4, 2008

JESUS; the Reason for the Season

Hey guys! It's December and and probably we're now anticipating great things that will happen starting today. I was wondering how it was going for the internet world since our computer broke. Hahaha! As usual, it's still the same. There's nothing new especially when I opened my Multiply Inbox, and I was not actually shocked (but I really find it strange) by over flowing Twilight Movie Reviews.

I won't put up a review for myself, although I already saw the movie. I'm just gonna leave a very pleasant message to all. Things are doing great for the past weeks for my life, in every aspect and I just want everyone to know that God is good. And He will forever be. Yes it's already a cliche' for some of you, but the point here is this, our country will be facing a great turmoil for the continuing months because of the Economic Crisis from the large impact of the downfall (bankruptcy) of big companies (AIG, Lehman Brothers, etc.)from the US of A. Knowing that our economic stability is not so stable, though our lovely President always boasts about Economic Fundamentals, Economic Growth and such, but heck, we're just being fooled by our government. Maybe, you and your family are still insensitive about this "World Wide Issue" or you're still not affected, but sooner or later, you will be. And that's a big MAYBE. But let's all be a catalyst, people, I don't want to sound as a great Economist or Philosopher here, 'cause in the first place, I am not. I am only but a concernecd citizen or a Student, I should say.

Though it may sound a little too bad, or a little "so-so" issue for some, seriously, you don't know how poor people face their problems everyday. And since you are blessed to be a computer literate, I'm persuading you to just be concerned and nothing more. Christmas will soon come our way and what everyone can do is to simply, PRAY. Our last and only hope is not Superman, for he is just a fictitious superhero with Kryptonite in his blood veins; neither Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, for he is also just a white-blooded immortal from a rich family of vampires. (Rich people may not care, you know. Haha!) And they can do NOTHING, as in nothing about this crisis. It is none other than JESUS CHRIST.

Jesus, is the only hope of the world. He can be the source of anything and everything. If people would only know how to trust Him and rely only to what He can do. Oh the playful minds of the people really saddens me for they create supernatural beings that may look like ambassadors of good will, but in reality, they are only seen in movies, read in books, and watched from an entertaining picture box or the so-called, "televisions", meaning they are just results of imaginations. Isn't it disappointing? If CHRISTIANS ONLY CARE. I really have this great burden for those who doesn't know Jesus. If only I am a very influential personality, I would use my influence to persuade people to get to know Christ. Or better yet, COMPEL them to go to Church. Nowadays, Christians take the Gospel and the World of the Lord for granted. If you care, whether you are a Christian or not, show some affection. SHOW SOME LOVE. Spread the good news. JESUS IS OUR ONLY HOPE.

If you think you can do nothing at all to make a change, you are definitely WRONG. As I mentioned a while ago, you can PRAY. Talk to God. Ask. He will give it 'cause He simply loves you. He loves the world. He loves the people. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Just do what you think is right for the majority. Do not be selfish. These holidays, gifts or material things really doesn't matter. Let yourself be a light for others. SHARE JESUS. For He is the reason for the season. God bless!

It's 8:35 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Confessions of a Student Minister

Today is school day as usual, it was a lot of fun but toxic at the same time. I've been experiencing extreme muscle cramps, spasms, aches and whatever you call it from my neck, shoulders, arms, abdomen, upper thighs, legs, and down to the toes. Haha! (talking about an intense dance training from 8AM to 5PM last Sunday) I was having a hard time going up and down the stairs, sitting on my own chair, and even walking. Yes. Walking is killing me, knowing that it is just a simple exercise. I looked like walking with leg defects. Haha. Any way, I am doing this dancing for years and it is all for God's glory so pain doesn't matter really. I just don't feel good 'cause of it's effects, (the difficulty of doing simple things) but I don't deplore either. Lamenting over pain is so not me. I'm really excited for the upcoming Youth Alive 20th Anniversary and my friends confirmed that they will come! Yipee! Wanna come and be blessed? Send me a message.

I'm not going to talk about what happened to school today, though I want to, there's one thing that I want to really rant about. Haha. I won Kuya Kevin's Book entitled 'Basta Love Life'.

Yesterday, I received a text message from Kuya Kev that reads "Visit my blog today". I didn't know that it was a personal message intended for me 'cause he often sends group messages without indicating that it is a group message. Or in simple terms, the message doesn't indicate my name. Haha. Back to today, we saw Kuya Kevin around the campus and he surprised me with his words saying, "You've visited my blog already? You're the latest winner of my book. Have you received my text?" I was like, shocked and said, "Really?" haha. I was not feeling well last night so I was not able to go online and check my sites. And yeah, I am really the winner!

Thanks to Kuya Kevin 'cause I was featured at his blog creating traffic to my hits. In layman's term, people kept visiting my site 'cause of his thousand visitors everyday. Haha. I never expected it, but I really want to win his book. Though I have my copy already, but winning it and having it signed by him is utterly different. If you want to know how to win his book, and happens to be an online geek, (has blogs and network profiles all over the world wide web) here's the link, 'Basta Love Life' Win Kuya Kevin's Book Contest. Basically, it is not a contest. Haha! Any way, his book is available at different Christian Bookstores costing around P170-P200 Philippine Peso depending on the book store (PCBS, Back to the Bible Bookstore, etc.). But if you know him personally, you can get his book with a friendly discount of course. The book contains lessons in making wise relationship decisions made for men and women especially for Filipino Youths. It will be a big help for you to visit his site for you to read thoughts about love and relationship -- all biblically based. Definitely enlighting. Be a loyal reader like me! Haha! And congratulate him 'cause God is doing great things that he already started airing the Good News through a radio show! He has a podcast too, show some love! Praise God for Kuya Kevin's life.


I wanted to befriend my blog's link exchanges and as I was hopping through their online possessions, this one really caught my attention..

Proud FEU TAMARAW Graduate, Batch 2008, Mr. John Paul C. Uminga. Here's his blog -- Greenink. Though I don't know him personally, I am really proud of dedicated students like him.

"It was a dream come true to have been accorded the honor,
not for myself, but for my Alma Mater."
--Jap Uminga

Congratulations! I salute you! May God continue to bless you and guide you in every endeavors!


Isn't this post a very rejoicing one? Haha. Forgive me for being so blessed today. I have muscle aches remember? Paradox? It's just that, I can confess, being a Full Time Student during School days, plus, Ministry everyday, is not that easy. Besides pains and difficulties, preoccupied mind and pressure, I can sum this into one very good fact:

The challenge to a Student Minister like me is this: Does my life measure according to my TOP TWO GREATEST PRIVILEGES? It seems easy, but to confess to you the truth, in a chaotic, evil world we have today, it's not that easy as it may seem. If it happen that you, dear reader is a Christian also, think about the challenge I've just mentioned. Does your life measure to this top two privileges? Think again.

God bless and bless God!

It's 8:30 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known"

Wednesdays are fun! How do you spell FUN? It's like this.. Uh? I'll spell it out to you later. Just keep reading. Haha. No classes today and I promised myself to do every home works that will be passed tomorrow and for the subjects the next day. And woah! I'm done! Could you actually believe it? Haha. I would not do it if it wasn't for the feeling of urgency for me to do well this semester. Praise the Lord!

For some squeals, (haha just kidding of course) I went to SM North today to meet JP. I missed him so much! After an hour and a half of argument because of some sort of an inevitable matter between the both of us, I hold his hands and started to pray for him. I don't know if he noticed it, but he was merely staring at me. besides, I'm trying to hide what I'm doing that moment. He was actually crying probably because he felt that during the most painful moments of his life (family, school, financial, friends problems. And sad to say I'm adding up to the list), God is turning the world upside down and making him smile with eagerness again. As for those who don't know, we were somehow different compared then to now. We acted so different to each other for the fast few weeks and it's just so so saddening. It's for some reasons that the both of us couldn't even explain. I can, but I know only God can understand. Well, up to now we still don't know when this "Something" ('cause there's no term for it, right?) will stop, but we know God will always be in control. And miraculously, God did something great again. As always, our dreadful conversations will end up to a very cheerful one. Dig that! Haha. Moving on, we indulged our selves with KFC's Famous Bowl meal and Snack Box. Goodies! Especially the gravy. I almost finished the whole container of it's refill. Hahaha! We went home early 'cause he needs to run an errand for his Mom. Em gonna miss him again. *sighs*

After being bloated, we went to National Bookstore and bought some school stuffs for me. I really hope this time I can use the whole stick-on neon note pads. Using the whole thing will show my enthusiasm to finish requirements and home works. Or at least, list them all there. Haha. And I'm still hoping for a good semester because my prayers for good Professors was already answered by our faithful and mighty God.

Oh, before I go, sharing time! Yehey! *shouts 'wooo'*
Please, oh please, I'm pleading you dear reader, try to understand every line that the girl is saying. This video monologue is all about a woman, woman for God not for a man. I loved it! Learn and enjoy! Thanks to Kuya Kevin for posting this one!

"To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be known"
Get to know a woman, in search for a love not for an identity from any other man.

Randoms: For a TRUE Christian, there will be no dull moments in their life. Even if they are trapped inside a four corner solitary place with nothing to do, they will always find ways to share the love of God, a love that's for me and YOU!

EDIT -- 7:30PM
I am chatting with my one and only JP right now. We argued about things (again and again) but because of God's goodness and grace, I will spell FUN now! Fun, Dyey-Ih-Ey-Eytch-Pi-Ih-Ih, FUN! Hahaha. God's love will never fail. Good night folks!

Jeahpee = FUN!

It's 6:27 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Every MAN has his Purpose

Second day! At least the first day for today's subjects. I'm quite nervous because Math will be the first subject every Tuesday and Fridays, but heck, it's just Math! Who says we should fear it? Haha. What am I really afraid of is that our classes starts at exactly 7:30 in the morning, and I'm just too cautious right now. I don't wan to be late for Math, attendance can also keep my grades up, of course. And thank God, 'cause I'm not late today. At least for today right? Haha! Just kidding!

Mathematics 1 - College Algebra (3 units)
SB401 Tuesday and Friday, 7:30 to 9:00 AM
Professor: Prof. Ferdinand Valimento
Comments: He's a subject hater. Quite. 'Cause he utilized the first meeting time just to explain how Math is important rather than other subjects. Haha. Oh come one! We already know that there's Mathematics in everything around us, but why hate other subjects? Haha. Any way, he hates English. Hahaha!

He explained to us the course outline, (Subjects in College are usually called "Course") Course requirements, Grading System and References. Darn! We have one big reference book, and TWO WORKBOOKS! One for Laboratory and one for exercises. Kailan pa nag ka laboratory and Math? Haha!

So to keep my blog safe, 'cause I know Professors reads blogs! (What's with the S? Hahaha!) I wouldn't put anything offensive here. But you know, that totality of some Professors defects, it's so annoying. I'm talking general here, though. So peace out for everyone. Haha!

Every TF schedule, we have two free time! One morning and one afternoon. FREE TIME! We planned to buy ice cream at Anthony's (our former block mate, aawww) Expensive Ice cream booth at St. Thomas Square at Morayta, but unfortunately, the whole establishment is still closed. 9:00 is too early, I guess. So we headed our way to KFC! Across the road. And yeah, I ordered Famous Bowl again. GRAVY purposes. Haha! We munched into KFC delicacies, and lots of laughing trips. Haha. Oh by the way, Anna was with us. Minutes before the time, we walked our way back to the campus and what made us so happy is to see our former block mates again! We saw them 'cause it's their free time! Tadaaaah! We also saw Joji, of course, Band updates!!! Haha. I told him about the Christian Bands he's been researching on and such. It was a blast! I think we're the noisiest people around the Pavilion that time. Forgive us 'cause we missed each other! Pfft. When we arrived at SB 101, the class was so quiet, our Professor was already there. She's like so angry because we're a little bit late. *heartbeats*

Political Science 1N (3 units)
SB101 Tuesday and Friday, 10:30AM to 12:00PM
Professor: Prof. Johnelyn Gemzon
Comments: Waaah! We first though she's easily angered but she's not. She's a funny Professor, but she's a very strict one though. But actually, the class cannot stop laughing when she started introducing herself. Grabe! Laugh trip! I do believe it'll be a fun-filled class. But I'm still worried about her way of handling a class. She won't allow books to be opened during recitations and discussions and she will make advance reading of the book as our assignment. Waaah. At the age of 30, she became a gimikera and now she's 35. Haha! She's a "babaeng bading" as the Filipino lingo call it. She can ride to almost everyone, but .. "Sa klaseng ito ako lang ang pikon, bawal ang pikon dito kasi mahilig ako mang okray. Pag napahiya ka at napikon ka.. So be it! Ako lang ang pikon dito, kaya wag niyo ako pipikunin" -- Ms. Gemzon. Hahaha! She said that in a very funny way! But she's serious. She likes neon orange. Haha!
  • Teaching in FEU for 13 years already

Yehey! We gots the chance to use an Arts Building room! It's like a dream for every student in every course in the Institute of Arts and Sciences (IAS) 'cause that building contains lots of high technology rooms and facilities, like Radio Booth, Editing Room, Multimedia Room, Studio Room and lots more!! Haha. Am I over reacting? Nah! That building will be my home once I stepped into the 3rd year to 4th year of being a Mass Comm student. *excited* While waiting, we got the chance to know other block mates.

Speech 1 - Effective Speech Communication (for Mass Comm Students) (3 units)
AB211 Tuesday and Friday, 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Professor: Prof. Lourdes D. Ignacio
Comments: At first we thought she's a relative of Professor Alolor because they speak almost the same. Haha. But no, they're not even closely related. Haha. Any way, she's so vibrant and hyper active. I think there will be no dull moments in her class. It was fun, so much fun! Her favorite color is violet. From head to toe, you'll see all violet color coordinated attire. From Shoes, belt, earrings, watch, bag, dress, eyeglass frames, and her pen is also violet! Haha. She said she always wear one color, and we can request for any color anytime! Haha. She's so gay (I mean the happy one) and she has this very unique gestures and way of teaching.

She needed a set of Class Officers so the class started to nominate. Haha. And no offense to all, the former MC0812 (it means us, ESOF) dominated the officers! I was appointed by Professor Lulu! 'Was not nominated. Haha. First time of all my life not to be a secretary anymore. Haha!

Class Mayor: Russel Malabanan (former block 2)
Vice Mayor: Pauline Barnadette Juan (former block 6)
Secretary: Yuji Nozaki (former block 2)
Treasurer: Diana Calumpang (former block 7)
P.R.O.: Erika Gonzales (former block 2)
Business Manager: Rizza Samson (former block 2)
Boy Beadle: Marvin Argoso (former block 2)
Girl Beadle: Jahaziel La Guardia (former block 2)

We (former MC0812) dominated the positions. Haha. Any way, SPEECH was fun, super fun! Because Prof. Lulu is definitely great in diction and pronunciation. A very accurate professor in the said subject. And and the room? Cold as America! Haha! And in it are very high technology appliances for us to be able to be good communicators. Haha! Break time again! We tried to look for a book for Pol Sci 'cause Professor Gemzon tasked us to read the first 2 chapters of our book. Dang! We saw the book and it was like P285+ in FEU Book Store/Cooperative. So together with the boys, I applied for the FEU Book Loan Project. Haha. We have to be thrifty nowadays, right? We can avail the book for like P30.00 only for the whole sem but we are obliged to return it on the day of the Final Examination, good as new. Or else, we'll be replacing it with a new one. And since I think I can handle the condition, we got the Fundamentals of Political Science for P30.00! Also, I want to help my parents in my own little way. And I did! Yipee.

Natural Science 2 - Biology (3 units)
SB106 Tuesday and Friday, 3:00-4:30 PM
Professor: Prof. Cynthia Minto Mhk
Comments: Yes, from her name, she's half Chinese. She's not that funny nor entertaining. Neither of the two means betting with some one that one of these days, I could fell asleep in her subject. Haha. Kidding! I think she's good though!

We got the chance to know other block mates. I started memorizing their names. Thank God I'm good with that. Haha! But we gots to just not know but bond! We bonded with Kim De Guzman (the shy model and girlfriend of Ben Fernandez) and Pauline Bernadette Juan. They are nice. Haha! I thought they are a little bit of supladas and malditas but they've proven me wrong. They're also crazy little Mass Comms as we are. Haha. And we started interrogating her. Questions like, "Pano naging kayo ni Fernandez? Yikeee.." Haha! And "Pano ka napili as Muse ng Varsity ng FEU?" Yes she is the muse and that's why Ben Fernandez became her friend, and after a while, her boyfriend. And as for Pauline, she's just the sister of CEDRICK JUAN whom my former classmates had this big crush on. Because he's the guy, a second year Mass Comm Student who danced and made girls yell for him during the Mass Communication General Assembly last September. Hahaha! Good friends, neh? Yep! From then on, they started to come with us anywhere. Haha!

Physical Education 2 - Rhythm and Dance (2 units)
ARH501 Tuesday and Friday, 4:30 to 6:00 PM
Professor: Prof. Freya O. Miñas
Comments: Okay, this semseter for PE, it will be really different. 'Cause she is not like Professor Alolor. Hahaha. And oh, she's the model of our book last sem.
  • Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in Physical Education
  • Master of Arts in Education - Major in Physical Education
  • Graduated in FEU
  • Former FEU Dance Company and FEU Cheer Dancer at the same time
Before she came, we continue to bond with Kim and Pauline. Haha! Fun! And for a more exciting event, our former block mates were designated at ARH502! Haha. Just the next room. Same time for our PE. Yehey! We were dismissed early, but still it was dark already. *sighs* I don't want to go on a jeepney ride when it's already dark. And darn it! 1 hour ride? Who wouldn't be so frightened of that? Any way, I know God is with me. If God is with me, who can be against me? We parted ways and Kim's condominium unit is just few walks away from school, we found out that we (Erzel and I) are going to walk in a same way, so we accompanied Kim to buy doughnuts from Mister Donuts and we went off to our respective ways.

God uses people, and I know there are lots of reasons why I'm enrolled in MC0811. Whatever it is, I just have to live a Christ-like life so that my friends will know their life's purpose when they got to know God through me and through other Christians in our block. TRUE CHRISTIANS, I mean. I am tired, so have a blessed night everyone! Hafta sleep for now.

It's 10:54 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Monday, November 3, 2008

Salt and Light

..and I was right! I slept at exactly 2:47 in the morning. Told you guys, it never happened! Especially when I promise myself to do it. Too bad, soo bad. Haha! Before I actually fell asleep (late) I really prayed to God that may His will be done for this day. I asked Him to be in control of everything 'cause I really want to meet new friends so that I can share God's word to them. I prayed that may God prepare their hearts to be willing to know and accept Jesus and may He also prepare me and use me mightily to expand His kingdom. And I prayed for favor for my new Professors, of course.

For my Monday Classes, it will always start at 10:30 in the morning. I just ate a piece of apple and drank my fave caffe latte and went off. What a beautiful rainy morning, I saw Marvin, Carlo, Yuji, Russel, Erzel and Rizza at once! Erika was absent 'cause they accompanied her sister in the airport. Any way, ESOF minus Erika, is still fun. Incomplete though. But it turned out to be fine.

First subject, Filipino 2A. Haha, imagine that a professor entered a room, acted very strictly that he even get mad at one of the students inside the room, and all of a sudden all of the students became so quiet. Then he asked, "Psychology Students?" And because we are not Psychotics, haha! Kidding! We said, "No Sir, Mass Comm, Sir!". So full of shame, he went out asking everyone in his way if ever they are Psych Students. Hahaha.

Of course these things will never be outlisted for the first things first list for the first day of classes.
1. Introduction of the Professor
2. Introduction to the course (subject) background. Course Syllabus hand outs.
3. (COR) Certificate of Registration to be signed by the Professor, and
4. the thing called "introducing yourself and making out new friends"
And again, my burden is to pray for them that I may be a channel of the Word of God and that they can know God before the end of the semester. Please help me in praying, co-workers in faith!


Filipino 2A (3 units)
SB103 || Monday and Thursday, 10:30 AM to 12:00 NN
Professor: Dr. Florina M. Mendoza
Word/s that will describe her: Very specific in explanation that suddenly it becomes too boring.
  • Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in Filipino
  • Master of Arts in Education - Major in Filipino
  • Doctorate Degree - Bachelor of Science in Asian Studies - Major in Filipino
  • Teaching in FEU for 5 years already
Oh darn! It takes a lot of leg cramps just to get to our next room. Imagine we're from the first floor of Science Building then we'll be going to Education Building room 800! 8th floor, for crying out loud! Hahaha. We were just too lazy to wait for the elevator. Although that building has two. Haha!

Psychology 1 (3 units)
EB800 || Monday and Thursday, 12:00 NN to 1:30 PM
Professor: Ms. Lulette U. Matammu
Word/s that will describe her: Many things irritate her so fast 'cause she knows how ordinary people behave. Very smart and disciplined.
  • Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Sciences
  • Master of Arts in Family Psychology and Education
  • Currently a Student in a Graduate School taking up Clinical Psychology
For the Monday and Thursday Schedule, we will just be having one free time. Lunch breaaaaaaak! We ate at McDonalds. Rizza spent her sem break at Guam so we shared the Belgium Chocolate that she brought from abroad Yummy! And and Yuji brought some Sweet Plum Candies from Aji Ichiban Chinese (?) Candy and Goodies Store. Another yummmm!

As we walk our way back to the campus ohhhh we saw our former block mates! Almost all of them were able to enroll their selves in one section including our class room clowns, Beauty and Divine! Oh how I miss Jemmah, my very intelligent (and talkative at the same time, haha!) seatmate. Awww. We exchanged hugs with them, too bad only 9 of us (ESOF and Anna) from the original MC0812 were enrolled to Block 1 (MC0811) for the second semester. This is sooo unwanting. On the brighter side of the day, I made new friends while waiting for our next Professor. Yipeeee! They were laughing at my utterly nonsense jokes. Hahaha. I wonder why? Am I really that funny or is my face just plain humorous? Haha! I know I just insulted myself. Sorry, Jeah. Forgive me. Haha!

English 1 (3 units)
SB102 || Monday and Thursday, 3:00 to 4:30PM
Professor: Assoc. Professor Recuerdo G. Lacsamana
Word/s that will describe him: Plain professional and witty at the same time. He is kind but a little strict though. English will be so much fun! Yeheeeee!
  • Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in English
  • Master of Arts in Education - Major in English
  • Teaching in FEU for 16 years already
  • New system that he formulated: Lecture Intervention thru Text Texhnology. (Oh c'mon! Recitations through text messaging? For real? Yeah!)

Philippine Literature/ Literature Studies 1N
(3 units)
SB101 || Monday and Thursday, 4:30 to 6:00PM
Professor: Dr. Reynaldo G. Caranguian
Word/s that will describe him: Very smart. Very lenient. Meaning, he has this mild and tolerant disposition. Very humorous! I love him! Hahaha!
  • Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in English
  • Master of Arts in Education - Major in English
  • Doctorate Degree - Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in English
  • Teaching in FEU for 11 years already
Words of Wisdom from Sir Rey (you'll love this!)
As we were reciting one by one, saying our expectations for his class..
Yuji: I expect that blah blah blah..
Sir Rey: Oh Yuji, Nozaki right? Am I right in pronouncing it?
Y: Yes Sir
S. Rey: Full blooded Japanese?
Y: No Sir, half Japanese, half Filipino
S. Rey: Oh I see, just like you I am also torn into halves
S. Rey: Half Filipino
S. Rey: Half Chinese ...
S. Rey: Garter
S. Rey: Chinese Garter! *winks*

*the whole class cracked up a lot* hahaha! He even mentioned that he has two citizenship. One is Filipino Citizen, and another one is SENIOR CITIZEN. Hahahaha! At last a very funny Professor, out of 4, 2 of them really made me laugh and as far as I perceived this day, I will definitely enjoy their class. And I was really challenged because they are so so great. 2 of them has doctorate degrees! What an achievement! Thank God! Praise God! Glory to God!

As for my NEW block mates, (MC0811) well, I cannot judge them according to what I see but some of them are just mere snobbish. Not to mention Ben Fernandez' (FEU Basketball Player for UAAP) girlfriend/model Kim De Guzman, (that is now our block mate) she's like shy and that's holding us back whenever we try to approach her. Not because of her 5'6" height ah! Definitely not. Haha! And some of them are still on a shy-shy basis, you know. It's part of the whole thing we call the first day jitters. Pfft. Hope that my first not-so-good expressions will be replaced to a not-so-bad one soon! But for some of them who're very friendly and smiles are all over their faces already? Not bad for the first day get-to-know-each-other-feeling! One thing that I have proven to myself: The second semester is gonna be a way harder than the first. In any aspects. And that is for the reason that I just can't explain right now. But all in all, thank God! Praise God! Glory to God!

Tomorrow is Math 1, Natural Science 2, Political Science 1N, Speech 1, and PE 2! Exciting but nerve cracking. Pray for me, good night! God bless!

I am the salt and light of the world, may the light of God shine through me.

It's 7:24 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Death: Your final appointment

Good evening to everyone! I will edit this post soon. And that is without doubt. Ely Buendia, have a blessed birthday! :>

Tomorrow will be my first day for my second semester in my first year in College! I'm so excited for the upcoming days. I've been waiting for another semester to come and I really do want to challenge my self for the 26 units that I need to attain until I finish my Freshmen year as a Mass Communication Student.

I have Math I, (ohhh, love the numbers. Haha!) Psychology I, Political Science I, Speech I and Literature I! Horray for me! :D

I will try to update this blog (which I failed to do over the past semestral break. And now it's over. Booohoo!) as much as possible. Including the delayed posts of the past months. Magugulat na lang kayo unti unitng nadadagdagan 'yang September and October. :P

So for now, I'll be off to fix my things and and try to sleep early? Weh. That didn't happen ever since I promised myself to sleep early. Hahahaha! To cut this short, I'll be leaving with a wonderful verse for all of you ...

Apostle Paul said, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.."
--Philippians 1:21

Have a good night, God bless! :x

It's 9:10 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Friday, October 31, 2008

Celebrate Lolo's life :)

Good morning everyone! :)

Later this afternoon, we will be off for an overnight party (?) at Himlayang Pilipino. Haha! What I mean is we'll be enjoying each other's company there. All from Pascuals of course. My cousins and Tito't Tita's na mas isip bata pa sa'min. :P

This is the first time, and so we will be having lots of fun. First time to stay over night in a cemetery. First time to stay over night in a cemetery. FIRST TIME TO STAY OVER NIGHT IN A CEMETERY!! :)) I think Tito Pim is setting up a big tent right now para daw mamayang hapon pagdating namin doon, hindi kami mauubusan ng pwesto. And excited na ako kasi kakain kami ng madaming chips doon! Haha. Ba't kasi junk pa tawag dun? Ayun bawal tuloy kami. :| At magpupuyat kami of course. I'm smelling F-U-N right now. Haha! :)

Well, I am still saddened though. Because we're not with Christian people. My Lolo and Lola are Christians. US Citizen. So my Lola is at California right now. I bet she's crying always. :( And my Lolo, of course, enjoying God's presence already! :) My Christian relatives, (pure Christian, I mean all of them) is in the Father's side. My Daddy's brothers and sisters are Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries and Song leaders! Heehee. Whenever we visit our Lola in Antipolo, yeah, we do fellowship. We have guitars and lots of Christians Songs to sing along with. Mas marami kasi akong pinsan tapos mas maliliit pa sa Father's side so I can really feel na Ate ako at ayon siyempre ang ku-kyut nila. Mas masaya. Especially the Sharing and Praying part. Sa Mother's side naman, were just few and almost all are US based. 5 lang kami dito sa Philippines. THE FAB FIVE, as our older relatives put it. Haha! We're close and tight ever since we were small kids. We're all studying hard kahit puede na kami mag migrate lahat. Mas maganda Education dito 'diba? :)

Anyhow, even though they (Mother's side) are not Born Agains, they're still my relatives, so it'll be a great experience! In fact, 'yung dalawa naming pinsan (Mae and Kuya Mark) na-invite na namin sa church 'yun. And they did accepted JC as their personal Savior and Lord already! :D

So I'mma be back tomorrow to give my blog a little (Oh I bet this will not gonna be 'little') update on what happend. Take care everyone! Especially those who will catch a glimpse of their past loved ones. Oh c'mon! I'm not scaring you. Creepy isn't it? Haha! Kidding! Have fun! God bless you! :)

It's 10:05 AM and I'm still free to live for God

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Much Love!


1. Link the person who started this award. (Jey-Em)
2. Link the person who "LOVE" you.
3. Post the rules on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they have been "LOVED" and leave a comment on their blog.

Jey-Em gave me this award and I am tagging: uh, no one for now. I'm still thinking about it. Haha. But hey! It doesn't mean that I'm not loving somebody right now. In fact, I love you all! :D

Any ways, thanks for showing some love, Jey-Em! God bless! :D

It's 9:35 AM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

No Silent Readers!

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