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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Real or Unreal?

Friday, September 12, 2008
Ever since the Mid Term Examination, I've never been absent again in Economics. Absent, NO. Late? Yes. Haha! The truth is, Professor Acomular talked to me privately and he told me that I'm one of the excellent students from our section and if I will continue to be tardy, I may have a failing grade. Which no one will expect of course. Isn't it kind or what? ;)

Grade in History was given! *drum rolls* 82! *boink* Hahaha! I got a 56/80 Mid Term Exam grade, 80% if evaluated. Hey! For a Subject wherein your teacher doesn't teach at all, you'll be so glad for attaining that grade already! I'm serious. Am I? Hahaha. I really thank God for I know He always makes a way for His children. To those who deserves it. :)

And today is a Friday, free day. Cell day! :D
I met up with Juliet at Freedom Park and waited for Ate Kat. Since there's no sign of waiting fro the others to come, we headed to KFC, Morayta. I was appointed to lead the cell. Impromptu! No beforehand preparations at all. And so I prayed that may God give me a message to relay to them, on the spot. :>

And then I thought of Romans 12:9-11
God was (and is of course) so great that I said these every lines. :D

If you have a RIGHT relationship with God, it will definitely show.
We have TWO kinds of relationship, the VERTICAL and the HORIZONTAL>> The vertical is your relationship with God while the horizontal is your relationship with people.

Point number 1. Loving Sincerely (verse 9)
Ask yourself, Am I loving God and Man sincerely with deep conviction, no matter what life might bring? These people who loves sincerely are loving God without hypocrisy. If you say you love God, you must mean it. If you love God, in your mind, there is nothing above God.

Saint Augustine of Assisi once asked, If you were to be given a choice, And you will only choose one, who will you chose? God or the other thing you love the most? Think about it. There is this thing we call the 'Nominal Christians' (To know more about being a 'Nominal Christian', click here.) Those who claim that they are Christian in nature and in every aspect but in reality, they can't even show they love Jesus because of the reason that they can not imitate Him resulting to what? They can't even share God's word to their friends and loved ones. Something's holding them back. It may be fear or anything, but the fact is, to be a real Christian, you really need true feeding. When we say true feeding, it doesn't come from a typical Sunday service that you regularly attend to. It comes from a one-to-one discipleship that comes from a Ministry where you can learn and focus in being a matured Christian, and you can have fellowship to, so you can have friends that are matured and will be influencing you to learn about God more. With depth. God said, "Narrow is the gate of my mansion, widen it so that you may enter." If you have Jesus in your heart, you have everything in this world. Look beyond the status and fame of life. One evident fact of not showing sincere love to others is always pinpointing at their failures. Sincere love is demonstrating love when someone is at their lowest point in life. Genuine love is shown by imitating Jesus, and if Jesus thought of ministering people, DON'T BE ASHAMED! MINISTER TO YOUR FRIENDS! Now that is sincere.

Point number 2. Clinging to what is good. (verse 9)
Clinging to what is fitting, upright and HOLY before God. We are confessing and saying we are Christians but Jesus is not being seen in our lives? Then we are fooling others and our selves as well. How does living a holy life looks like? To be holy, is to break our sinful habits. Lust, pride, critical pointer, gossiper, bitterness, unforgiving spirit, tantrums, slander, lying, YOU NAME IT. Holiness is learning to hate what God hates! Holiness is conformity to the character of God. Christlikeness, dude! Be a regular reader and attender, JOIN A MINISTRY to know how to be like Christ.

Point number 3. Honoring Graciously. (verse 11)
This simply means, giving credit to others. We all have flaws and imperfections but if we try to appreciate one another, we can always see the good side of each other. Honor others above yourself. Always say thank you!. Or a simple compliment will do. :>

Point number 4. Serving Zealously. (verse 11)
In serving God, you have to give your best. What do we mean by 'zeal'?
From the Dictionary: filled with or characterized by zeal : marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal.
For my own definition: 'Passionate ardor in the pursuit of any thing.'
In simple terms, we call it dedication. Passion. SERIOUSNESS. Serving God is not a so-so thing. When I say serving God, I mean business. And to do this, one must be inclined to a Ministry where he/she can be encouraged by other Christians to serve with zealousness. Serving the Lord is what life all about for a Christian.


And that was it. I hope you learned something. Please don't skip okay? :)
After eating at KFC, we walked our way back to the campus and parted. We had a long quiz in Natural Science. then P.E. Dismissed. I was kind of a hurry when I went home, I turned on the computer and finished editing our layout for the tarpaulin for our reporting in Computer. I need to finish it before the Tarp maker store close. And I need to make it fast because I'm going to JP's house. Hahaha. I rushed and rushed. Went to that store at Mindanao Ave. and I rode a cab to their house. At 7:30 in the evening, I helped him answer his English home work and finish his comics strip as their requirement. We prayed a long prayer (as always) before we eat together.

Oh, and before I forgot, kagabi, nagpaload ako sa tindahan. Kinuha ni 'Ate' 'yung number ko. At the same time, 'yung pangalan ko din. 'Di na ako nagtaka kasi sakaniya ako lagi nagpapaload. Nung pag uwi ko, may nagtext sa akin, "Kelby" daw ang pangalan niya. Taga Project 6, lalaki. Crush na crush niya daw ako. Ang tawag niya sa'kin, "Ms. Cute". Waaa! Nag reply ako sakaniya kagabi ng "Sino 'to?" Pero 'yun lang. Kasi I found out na smart siya. I won't ever ever waste my load balance for him. Haha. Then simula noon every minute na siya kung magtext! Wow ang yaman! "mS.jeah gs2 u lOadAn Qta? pra rEpZ ka sQen.."Kahit kaninang umaga, "gUd mrNning mS.cute jEah hihihi inGat p0 u.. Zna mAgkita tEu myA..hihihi.." err. From that moment, 'di na niya ako tinantanan, even though I don't reply to his messages. Argh! And so I told about this "Kelby" to JP
and his initial reaction? "Mommy! Peram ako ng phone mo!" Akala ko wala siyang pakielam. Only to find out na kaya niya hiniram phone ni Tita, kasi tinext niya 'yong "Kelby". Haha. Sweet. Ayun. Inaway niya. Promdi ata 'yon. "sOrRy tOl, hehe Cge d Q na tetkZ si jEaH.. PiZ aWt.." =))))))

The day/night was fine. But what really made us delirious is her, again. We made a test to again prove that she will just respond to JP's messages and not to mine. And then again, we proved it. Then we tried not to reply anymore. Wohooo. Text na ulit siya ng text, making JP reply to her messages. Hahaha. What a *insert adjective here* girl. I forgive her for that. =)))
Anyway, I went home late, 10:30-11:00PM, I think?

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Filipino. I was absent hahaha! Prof. David awarded us with certificates. Check my Multiply Acct. for the very funny awards. And yes, I'm so blessed to say that our group was one of the best. Jemma was the best supporting actress, Russel, the best supporting actor, and Yuji, the best actor! And JOJI, the MOST BAKLA EVER AWARD! =))))

English. Break. I didn't eat. Hahaha. I'm the heroine of our group. I went home!! Wohoo! I was praying na makaabot parin sa klase. I went home to fetch our Tarpaulin na obviously, ngayon lang matatapos. :P

One hour and thirty minutes is the allotted time for our lunch break. Oh noes. Hahaha! And by God's grace, I was able to come back to FEU on time. A little late though but we were able to report. Hahaha! Laugh trip e. :)) Dismissed. Went to JP's. Nagpa deliver kami ng McDonalds for our mirienda. Na isang oras naming hinintay kasi naligaw! Hahaha. :P

Sa YA, Pastor Marvin was preaching about sins when he mentioned na may nakita daw siyang Friendster na isang Youth Alive daw pero may bastos na picture. 'Di daw niya kilala e. I was alarmed, thinking of my stalker, 'Yves Ashley'. *fast forward* after the YA Service, we our Cell group, Roces and Company, went to PotPot Bakery dating tambayan :P

In the middle of the fun and fellowship that we're having, I cried. 'Cause Kuya Bobby honestly said that Pastor Marvin is pertaining to somone na nasa cell group namin. Girl daw. E tatlo lang kaming babae. Ako, kapatid ko, at si Maine. Impossible na silang dalawa. And then Domar noticed that I was crying. Edi sinabi na ni Kuya Bob, ako nga daw 'yon. My sister was right. Dapat dati pa lang, sinabi ko na kila Pastor and Kuya Bob 'yong about sa stalker na 'yon kasi nga he's using the ministry sa Friendster Profiles niya and using my pictures also!!!! Baka kasi akalain ng ibang Youth Alive, ganoon ako ka bastos. Akalain nila akin 'yon. I cried because of fear. Matagal na pala daw nakita nila Pastor 'yon. Hindi lang nila ako kinakausap. Natakot ako lalo kasi inadd daw ni stalker 'yung mga YA leaders. D;

I was frightened that it urged me to know who the stalker really is. Marvin, Kuya Bob's brother has connections because he works in a Computer Shop and he can hack Friendster Accounts. He promised me that he will help. I hope Pastor Marvin will talk to me sooner or later. Kasi may hinala daw sila na 'yung stalker na 'yon, close ko. At sobrang close na close ko daw. Na na adik na sa'kin, up to the point that he's only attending Youth Alive Services just to see me. :O

Pray for him, would you? I hope he knows what he's doing. :S

It's 11:42 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

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