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Monday, November 3, 2008

Salt and Light

..and I was right! I slept at exactly 2:47 in the morning. Told you guys, it never happened! Especially when I promise myself to do it. Too bad, soo bad. Haha! Before I actually fell asleep (late) I really prayed to God that may His will be done for this day. I asked Him to be in control of everything 'cause I really want to meet new friends so that I can share God's word to them. I prayed that may God prepare their hearts to be willing to know and accept Jesus and may He also prepare me and use me mightily to expand His kingdom. And I prayed for favor for my new Professors, of course.

For my Monday Classes, it will always start at 10:30 in the morning. I just ate a piece of apple and drank my fave caffe latte and went off. What a beautiful rainy morning, I saw Marvin, Carlo, Yuji, Russel, Erzel and Rizza at once! Erika was absent 'cause they accompanied her sister in the airport. Any way, ESOF minus Erika, is still fun. Incomplete though. But it turned out to be fine.

First subject, Filipino 2A. Haha, imagine that a professor entered a room, acted very strictly that he even get mad at one of the students inside the room, and all of a sudden all of the students became so quiet. Then he asked, "Psychology Students?" And because we are not Psychotics, haha! Kidding! We said, "No Sir, Mass Comm, Sir!". So full of shame, he went out asking everyone in his way if ever they are Psych Students. Hahaha.

Of course these things will never be outlisted for the first things first list for the first day of classes.
1. Introduction of the Professor
2. Introduction to the course (subject) background. Course Syllabus hand outs.
3. (COR) Certificate of Registration to be signed by the Professor, and
4. the thing called "introducing yourself and making out new friends"
And again, my burden is to pray for them that I may be a channel of the Word of God and that they can know God before the end of the semester. Please help me in praying, co-workers in faith!


Filipino 2A (3 units)
SB103 || Monday and Thursday, 10:30 AM to 12:00 NN
Professor: Dr. Florina M. Mendoza
Word/s that will describe her: Very specific in explanation that suddenly it becomes too boring.
  • Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in Filipino
  • Master of Arts in Education - Major in Filipino
  • Doctorate Degree - Bachelor of Science in Asian Studies - Major in Filipino
  • Teaching in FEU for 5 years already
Oh darn! It takes a lot of leg cramps just to get to our next room. Imagine we're from the first floor of Science Building then we'll be going to Education Building room 800! 8th floor, for crying out loud! Hahaha. We were just too lazy to wait for the elevator. Although that building has two. Haha!

Psychology 1 (3 units)
EB800 || Monday and Thursday, 12:00 NN to 1:30 PM
Professor: Ms. Lulette U. Matammu
Word/s that will describe her: Many things irritate her so fast 'cause she knows how ordinary people behave. Very smart and disciplined.
  • Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Sciences
  • Master of Arts in Family Psychology and Education
  • Currently a Student in a Graduate School taking up Clinical Psychology
For the Monday and Thursday Schedule, we will just be having one free time. Lunch breaaaaaaak! We ate at McDonalds. Rizza spent her sem break at Guam so we shared the Belgium Chocolate that she brought from abroad Yummy! And and Yuji brought some Sweet Plum Candies from Aji Ichiban Chinese (?) Candy and Goodies Store. Another yummmm!

As we walk our way back to the campus ohhhh we saw our former block mates! Almost all of them were able to enroll their selves in one section including our class room clowns, Beauty and Divine! Oh how I miss Jemmah, my very intelligent (and talkative at the same time, haha!) seatmate. Awww. We exchanged hugs with them, too bad only 9 of us (ESOF and Anna) from the original MC0812 were enrolled to Block 1 (MC0811) for the second semester. This is sooo unwanting. On the brighter side of the day, I made new friends while waiting for our next Professor. Yipeeee! They were laughing at my utterly nonsense jokes. Hahaha. I wonder why? Am I really that funny or is my face just plain humorous? Haha! I know I just insulted myself. Sorry, Jeah. Forgive me. Haha!

English 1 (3 units)
SB102 || Monday and Thursday, 3:00 to 4:30PM
Professor: Assoc. Professor Recuerdo G. Lacsamana
Word/s that will describe him: Plain professional and witty at the same time. He is kind but a little strict though. English will be so much fun! Yeheeeee!
  • Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in English
  • Master of Arts in Education - Major in English
  • Teaching in FEU for 16 years already
  • New system that he formulated: Lecture Intervention thru Text Texhnology. (Oh c'mon! Recitations through text messaging? For real? Yeah!)

Philippine Literature/ Literature Studies 1N
(3 units)
SB101 || Monday and Thursday, 4:30 to 6:00PM
Professor: Dr. Reynaldo G. Caranguian
Word/s that will describe him: Very smart. Very lenient. Meaning, he has this mild and tolerant disposition. Very humorous! I love him! Hahaha!
  • Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in English
  • Master of Arts in Education - Major in English
  • Doctorate Degree - Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in English
  • Teaching in FEU for 11 years already
Words of Wisdom from Sir Rey (you'll love this!)
As we were reciting one by one, saying our expectations for his class..
Yuji: I expect that blah blah blah..
Sir Rey: Oh Yuji, Nozaki right? Am I right in pronouncing it?
Y: Yes Sir
S. Rey: Full blooded Japanese?
Y: No Sir, half Japanese, half Filipino
S. Rey: Oh I see, just like you I am also torn into halves
S. Rey: Half Filipino
S. Rey: Half Chinese ...
S. Rey: Garter
S. Rey: Chinese Garter! *winks*

*the whole class cracked up a lot* hahaha! He even mentioned that he has two citizenship. One is Filipino Citizen, and another one is SENIOR CITIZEN. Hahahaha! At last a very funny Professor, out of 4, 2 of them really made me laugh and as far as I perceived this day, I will definitely enjoy their class. And I was really challenged because they are so so great. 2 of them has doctorate degrees! What an achievement! Thank God! Praise God! Glory to God!

As for my NEW block mates, (MC0811) well, I cannot judge them according to what I see but some of them are just mere snobbish. Not to mention Ben Fernandez' (FEU Basketball Player for UAAP) girlfriend/model Kim De Guzman, (that is now our block mate) she's like shy and that's holding us back whenever we try to approach her. Not because of her 5'6" height ah! Definitely not. Haha! And some of them are still on a shy-shy basis, you know. It's part of the whole thing we call the first day jitters. Pfft. Hope that my first not-so-good expressions will be replaced to a not-so-bad one soon! But for some of them who're very friendly and smiles are all over their faces already? Not bad for the first day get-to-know-each-other-feeling! One thing that I have proven to myself: The second semester is gonna be a way harder than the first. In any aspects. And that is for the reason that I just can't explain right now. But all in all, thank God! Praise God! Glory to God!

Tomorrow is Math 1, Natural Science 2, Political Science 1N, Speech 1, and PE 2! Exciting but nerve cracking. Pray for me, good night! God bless!

I am the salt and light of the world, may the light of God shine through me.

It's 7:24 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

No Silent Readers!

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