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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Confessions of a Student Minister

Today is school day as usual, it was a lot of fun but toxic at the same time. I've been experiencing extreme muscle cramps, spasms, aches and whatever you call it from my neck, shoulders, arms, abdomen, upper thighs, legs, and down to the toes. Haha! (talking about an intense dance training from 8AM to 5PM last Sunday) I was having a hard time going up and down the stairs, sitting on my own chair, and even walking. Yes. Walking is killing me, knowing that it is just a simple exercise. I looked like walking with leg defects. Haha. Any way, I am doing this dancing for years and it is all for God's glory so pain doesn't matter really. I just don't feel good 'cause of it's effects, (the difficulty of doing simple things) but I don't deplore either. Lamenting over pain is so not me. I'm really excited for the upcoming Youth Alive 20th Anniversary and my friends confirmed that they will come! Yipee! Wanna come and be blessed? Send me a message.

I'm not going to talk about what happened to school today, though I want to, there's one thing that I want to really rant about. Haha. I won Kuya Kevin's Book entitled 'Basta Love Life'.

Yesterday, I received a text message from Kuya Kev that reads "Visit my blog today". I didn't know that it was a personal message intended for me 'cause he often sends group messages without indicating that it is a group message. Or in simple terms, the message doesn't indicate my name. Haha. Back to today, we saw Kuya Kevin around the campus and he surprised me with his words saying, "You've visited my blog already? You're the latest winner of my book. Have you received my text?" I was like, shocked and said, "Really?" haha. I was not feeling well last night so I was not able to go online and check my sites. And yeah, I am really the winner!

Thanks to Kuya Kevin 'cause I was featured at his blog creating traffic to my hits. In layman's term, people kept visiting my site 'cause of his thousand visitors everyday. Haha. I never expected it, but I really want to win his book. Though I have my copy already, but winning it and having it signed by him is utterly different. If you want to know how to win his book, and happens to be an online geek, (has blogs and network profiles all over the world wide web) here's the link, 'Basta Love Life' Win Kuya Kevin's Book Contest. Basically, it is not a contest. Haha! Any way, his book is available at different Christian Bookstores costing around P170-P200 Philippine Peso depending on the book store (PCBS, Back to the Bible Bookstore, etc.). But if you know him personally, you can get his book with a friendly discount of course. The book contains lessons in making wise relationship decisions made for men and women especially for Filipino Youths. It will be a big help for you to visit his site for you to read thoughts about love and relationship -- all biblically based. Definitely enlighting. Be a loyal reader like me! Haha! And congratulate him 'cause God is doing great things that he already started airing the Good News through a radio show! He has a podcast too, show some love! Praise God for Kuya Kevin's life.


I wanted to befriend my blog's link exchanges and as I was hopping through their online possessions, this one really caught my attention..

Proud FEU TAMARAW Graduate, Batch 2008, Mr. John Paul C. Uminga. Here's his blog -- Greenink. Though I don't know him personally, I am really proud of dedicated students like him.

"It was a dream come true to have been accorded the honor,
not for myself, but for my Alma Mater."
--Jap Uminga

Congratulations! I salute you! May God continue to bless you and guide you in every endeavors!


Isn't this post a very rejoicing one? Haha. Forgive me for being so blessed today. I have muscle aches remember? Paradox? It's just that, I can confess, being a Full Time Student during School days, plus, Ministry everyday, is not that easy. Besides pains and difficulties, preoccupied mind and pressure, I can sum this into one very good fact:

The challenge to a Student Minister like me is this: Does my life measure according to my TOP TWO GREATEST PRIVILEGES? It seems easy, but to confess to you the truth, in a chaotic, evil world we have today, it's not that easy as it may seem. If it happen that you, dear reader is a Christian also, think about the challenge I've just mentioned. Does your life measure to this top two privileges? Think again.

God bless and bless God!

It's 8:30 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

No Silent Readers!

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