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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Every MAN has his Purpose

Second day! At least the first day for today's subjects. I'm quite nervous because Math will be the first subject every Tuesday and Fridays, but heck, it's just Math! Who says we should fear it? Haha. What am I really afraid of is that our classes starts at exactly 7:30 in the morning, and I'm just too cautious right now. I don't wan to be late for Math, attendance can also keep my grades up, of course. And thank God, 'cause I'm not late today. At least for today right? Haha! Just kidding!

Mathematics 1 - College Algebra (3 units)
SB401 Tuesday and Friday, 7:30 to 9:00 AM
Professor: Prof. Ferdinand Valimento
Comments: He's a subject hater. Quite. 'Cause he utilized the first meeting time just to explain how Math is important rather than other subjects. Haha. Oh come one! We already know that there's Mathematics in everything around us, but why hate other subjects? Haha. Any way, he hates English. Hahaha!

He explained to us the course outline, (Subjects in College are usually called "Course") Course requirements, Grading System and References. Darn! We have one big reference book, and TWO WORKBOOKS! One for Laboratory and one for exercises. Kailan pa nag ka laboratory and Math? Haha!

So to keep my blog safe, 'cause I know Professors reads blogs! (What's with the S? Hahaha!) I wouldn't put anything offensive here. But you know, that totality of some Professors defects, it's so annoying. I'm talking general here, though. So peace out for everyone. Haha!

Every TF schedule, we have two free time! One morning and one afternoon. FREE TIME! We planned to buy ice cream at Anthony's (our former block mate, aawww) Expensive Ice cream booth at St. Thomas Square at Morayta, but unfortunately, the whole establishment is still closed. 9:00 is too early, I guess. So we headed our way to KFC! Across the road. And yeah, I ordered Famous Bowl again. GRAVY purposes. Haha! We munched into KFC delicacies, and lots of laughing trips. Haha. Oh by the way, Anna was with us. Minutes before the time, we walked our way back to the campus and what made us so happy is to see our former block mates again! We saw them 'cause it's their free time! Tadaaaah! We also saw Joji, of course, Band updates!!! Haha. I told him about the Christian Bands he's been researching on and such. It was a blast! I think we're the noisiest people around the Pavilion that time. Forgive us 'cause we missed each other! Pfft. When we arrived at SB 101, the class was so quiet, our Professor was already there. She's like so angry because we're a little bit late. *heartbeats*

Political Science 1N (3 units)
SB101 Tuesday and Friday, 10:30AM to 12:00PM
Professor: Prof. Johnelyn Gemzon
Comments: Waaah! We first though she's easily angered but she's not. She's a funny Professor, but she's a very strict one though. But actually, the class cannot stop laughing when she started introducing herself. Grabe! Laugh trip! I do believe it'll be a fun-filled class. But I'm still worried about her way of handling a class. She won't allow books to be opened during recitations and discussions and she will make advance reading of the book as our assignment. Waaah. At the age of 30, she became a gimikera and now she's 35. Haha! She's a "babaeng bading" as the Filipino lingo call it. She can ride to almost everyone, but .. "Sa klaseng ito ako lang ang pikon, bawal ang pikon dito kasi mahilig ako mang okray. Pag napahiya ka at napikon ka.. So be it! Ako lang ang pikon dito, kaya wag niyo ako pipikunin" -- Ms. Gemzon. Hahaha! She said that in a very funny way! But she's serious. She likes neon orange. Haha!
  • Teaching in FEU for 13 years already

Yehey! We gots the chance to use an Arts Building room! It's like a dream for every student in every course in the Institute of Arts and Sciences (IAS) 'cause that building contains lots of high technology rooms and facilities, like Radio Booth, Editing Room, Multimedia Room, Studio Room and lots more!! Haha. Am I over reacting? Nah! That building will be my home once I stepped into the 3rd year to 4th year of being a Mass Comm student. *excited* While waiting, we got the chance to know other block mates.

Speech 1 - Effective Speech Communication (for Mass Comm Students) (3 units)
AB211 Tuesday and Friday, 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Professor: Prof. Lourdes D. Ignacio
Comments: At first we thought she's a relative of Professor Alolor because they speak almost the same. Haha. But no, they're not even closely related. Haha. Any way, she's so vibrant and hyper active. I think there will be no dull moments in her class. It was fun, so much fun! Her favorite color is violet. From head to toe, you'll see all violet color coordinated attire. From Shoes, belt, earrings, watch, bag, dress, eyeglass frames, and her pen is also violet! Haha. She said she always wear one color, and we can request for any color anytime! Haha. She's so gay (I mean the happy one) and she has this very unique gestures and way of teaching.

She needed a set of Class Officers so the class started to nominate. Haha. And no offense to all, the former MC0812 (it means us, ESOF) dominated the officers! I was appointed by Professor Lulu! 'Was not nominated. Haha. First time of all my life not to be a secretary anymore. Haha!

Class Mayor: Russel Malabanan (former block 2)
Vice Mayor: Pauline Barnadette Juan (former block 6)
Secretary: Yuji Nozaki (former block 2)
Treasurer: Diana Calumpang (former block 7)
P.R.O.: Erika Gonzales (former block 2)
Business Manager: Rizza Samson (former block 2)
Boy Beadle: Marvin Argoso (former block 2)
Girl Beadle: Jahaziel La Guardia (former block 2)

We (former MC0812) dominated the positions. Haha. Any way, SPEECH was fun, super fun! Because Prof. Lulu is definitely great in diction and pronunciation. A very accurate professor in the said subject. And and the room? Cold as America! Haha! And in it are very high technology appliances for us to be able to be good communicators. Haha! Break time again! We tried to look for a book for Pol Sci 'cause Professor Gemzon tasked us to read the first 2 chapters of our book. Dang! We saw the book and it was like P285+ in FEU Book Store/Cooperative. So together with the boys, I applied for the FEU Book Loan Project. Haha. We have to be thrifty nowadays, right? We can avail the book for like P30.00 only for the whole sem but we are obliged to return it on the day of the Final Examination, good as new. Or else, we'll be replacing it with a new one. And since I think I can handle the condition, we got the Fundamentals of Political Science for P30.00! Also, I want to help my parents in my own little way. And I did! Yipee.

Natural Science 2 - Biology (3 units)
SB106 Tuesday and Friday, 3:00-4:30 PM
Professor: Prof. Cynthia Minto Mhk
Comments: Yes, from her name, she's half Chinese. She's not that funny nor entertaining. Neither of the two means betting with some one that one of these days, I could fell asleep in her subject. Haha. Kidding! I think she's good though!

We got the chance to know other block mates. I started memorizing their names. Thank God I'm good with that. Haha! But we gots to just not know but bond! We bonded with Kim De Guzman (the shy model and girlfriend of Ben Fernandez) and Pauline Bernadette Juan. They are nice. Haha! I thought they are a little bit of supladas and malditas but they've proven me wrong. They're also crazy little Mass Comms as we are. Haha. And we started interrogating her. Questions like, "Pano naging kayo ni Fernandez? Yikeee.." Haha! And "Pano ka napili as Muse ng Varsity ng FEU?" Yes she is the muse and that's why Ben Fernandez became her friend, and after a while, her boyfriend. And as for Pauline, she's just the sister of CEDRICK JUAN whom my former classmates had this big crush on. Because he's the guy, a second year Mass Comm Student who danced and made girls yell for him during the Mass Communication General Assembly last September. Hahaha! Good friends, neh? Yep! From then on, they started to come with us anywhere. Haha!

Physical Education 2 - Rhythm and Dance (2 units)
ARH501 Tuesday and Friday, 4:30 to 6:00 PM
Professor: Prof. Freya O. Miñas
Comments: Okay, this semseter for PE, it will be really different. 'Cause she is not like Professor Alolor. Hahaha. And oh, she's the model of our book last sem.
  • Bachelor of Science in Education - Major in Physical Education
  • Master of Arts in Education - Major in Physical Education
  • Graduated in FEU
  • Former FEU Dance Company and FEU Cheer Dancer at the same time
Before she came, we continue to bond with Kim and Pauline. Haha! Fun! And for a more exciting event, our former block mates were designated at ARH502! Haha. Just the next room. Same time for our PE. Yehey! We were dismissed early, but still it was dark already. *sighs* I don't want to go on a jeepney ride when it's already dark. And darn it! 1 hour ride? Who wouldn't be so frightened of that? Any way, I know God is with me. If God is with me, who can be against me? We parted ways and Kim's condominium unit is just few walks away from school, we found out that we (Erzel and I) are going to walk in a same way, so we accompanied Kim to buy doughnuts from Mister Donuts and we went off to our respective ways.

God uses people, and I know there are lots of reasons why I'm enrolled in MC0811. Whatever it is, I just have to live a Christ-like life so that my friends will know their life's purpose when they got to know God through me and through other Christians in our block. TRUE CHRISTIANS, I mean. I am tired, so have a blessed night everyone! Hafta sleep for now.

It's 10:54 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

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