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Friday, August 29, 2008

Revival Night

Midterms exam. Economics. Dang! Duguan ang ilong ko. :)) Waaah. It was, without question, hard for me to answer everything. There are some topics which I really don't remember if we discussed it, or am I just not listening that time. No! I always listen! Maybe I didn't attended Econ when it was discussed. :| Ok, I call that Self Argument. Haha. Tsss. I thought the Exercises will be collected. 'Di pa pala. GOOD! E 'di ko panaman tapos na tapos. :P I will not expect for good grades in Econ this Midterms, samantalang noong Prelims, 2nd to the highest ako. :|

History. Me and my group mates thought we will also be required to answer a quiz before taking the Midterms Exam, blessed much, we don't have to. Exempted for I-don't-know-the-reason. :)) The exam is kind of hard, but I did a little reading before I arrived at the campus so it helped me a lot. It focused on one topic though, and what sucks is, that topic is what I regretfully did not bothered reading. Psssh.

Lunch. I love my schedule, hihi! Because I gots to read and review more before the hardest subject. Well, I don't really consider Natural Science as the hardest subject. But I don't consider it as a so-so also. ;) This is when the BOCHOGS were born. Marvin and I isolated from our friends. We wanted to eat inside the campus, at kasi, studious ako e. =)) Haha. natawa ako sa sinabi ko. I mean, we wanted to study for NatSci during the break so we didn't come with them. Not that our friends doesn't know how to study ah! Haha. Mas masipag pa nga sila sa akin. Its just that, I have this sickness that whenever I plan to study, but I'm with my friends, I cannot concentrate much, so it suddenly ends up with talking and laughing with them. :))

Marvin: Dapat may tawagan din tayo, kasi sila Jennylyn, may tawagan na kami e.
Jeah: Osige sige. Hahaha. Labsss?
M: Labs? baduy mo naman. Honey bunch?
J: Hahaha. Wag!
M: Kapkeyk?

Then I remembered Kathleen my former classmate and Roger, my Paowderr Boy mate. Nung sila pa, ang tawagan nila, BOCHOG. :>

J: Hahahah! Hmm. Bochog?
M: Ang cute! O tara Bochog! Hahaha!

Haha. Tawanan na lang kami. We seemed like dating couples sa FEU eh. :)) Hahaha. Joke. We bought pastas from Tayuman, since we were dismissed early by our History Professor, we had more time to make some adventures. We visited the Bazaar at Pavilion. Woo. Cool. They were selling lots'a stuff there. Sadly, I don't have any bucks to buy something. So we headed to the Library. We saw some of our classmates already reviewing their notes. Haha. MC0812 rocks! Tawanan kami. Nagpustahan ba. basta dalawa lang kami. Naghanap kami ng upuan na pang dalawa lang. Ang lamig talaga dun. Brrr. Studied a bit, then, I remembered, FRIDAY pala ngayon!! I almost forgot our cell group. :)) When I checked my phone, 2 missed calls from Ate Kat. Haha. Napaisip ako, pupunta pa ba ako? E kailangan ko mag-aral. That was hard! But then I still left Marvin alone. Bye Bochog! So long and goodnight... Hahaha. =))

I met up with Ate Kat, hindi pa siya kumakain. Sinamahan ko siya kumain. Fellowship kami, since alam namin, wala ng pupunta. Back to normal, dalawa lang kami. Usap. Random Topics. Prayed. Tawanan. Pareho kami hindi pa nakakapag-aral. Bid our goodbyes to each other. 12 na. NATSCI na. *heartbeats* Well, I am proud to say na even though wala ako masyado naaral, nasagutan ko naman ng sure answers 'yung karamihan ng questions. Stock Knowledge? Haha. Joke! Surely, if you put God first, you don't have to worry about anything. Pero I did my best naman para makapag-review. Of course, we also have to do our part. :)

Weee. Nakumpleto din kami. Ayon edi naging Ateng si Erzel, and Marvin was, I dont know. :)) PE nothings. Headed home. Ang kamote ko ngayong araw na ito. Na kahit ilang beses na pinaalala ni Wiess na may Revival Night, hindi ko padin pinlano pumunta. I always say.. Bahala na. Kapag 'di tinamad.. Ang sama ko no? :| Contrary to what my mind is timidly thinking, nagpunta ako. I remembered from one of the preachings of Tatay Marvin, "Pag tinatamad kang pumunta ng Church, dun ka mas sipagin kasi may pumipigil sa'yo."

I made it on time. Though I thought I was already late. So I felt, para sa'kin 'yung service na'to. The moment I sat down with my Church Friends, haha. Nag-start bigla! :D

The first Picture is the Poster posted in different walls of Word Of Hope. :)
The second Picture is Evangelist Mikel French Know more about him, Visit!
The third Picture is Brother James Huey. The author of the song, When I think About The Lord. Want to hear praises from James Huey? Listen and Visit his MySpace page.

This one is not the original version from James Huey. Too bad, the original version is not available for Downloading. Just visit his site so you can also hear his wonderful voice that is really dedicated for the Lord. And how he plays the piano or organ so well. I think his hands are really made for creating wonderful music of praises to God. By the way, his song, if you don't know it yet, it is one of the most downloaded song way back when it was first released. :)

Mikel French is a very powerful speaker! Take it from me, I don't lie. Haha. What I mean is, he's so filled and anointed by the Holy Spirit. That you can't resist and you will never ever reject God after his preaching. He believes that one day, God will use people to take Metro Manila further for the expansion of God's kingdom. Thus, he spoke about NATION SHAKERS AND CITY TAKERS. From John 4:34-36. It was about how Jesus ministered to the people and taken and shaken the City of Jerusalem, and other cities.

When the Kingdom of God is in you, you can proudly say : I AM A MULTIPLIER, FULL OF JOY, BORN TO BIRTH CHANGE! -- That line? He repeated it for over a million times. Haha. And he makes us also repeat after him. That line was very powerful, indeed.

Some of the points from his outline that I won't ever forget:
-- There are people who doesn't know Jesus, so TALK TO THEM!
-- Don't mind who they are, 'cause you have a God who can save them!

After the preaching, Altar Call. Almost everybody stood from their seats and went to the front. The space were so limited but the Spirit of the Lord is NOT. It moved tremendously, that almost everyone that Mikel French has touched, came slaning. And as James Huey continued to sing and play, the crowd started to cry out. Yelling for God. Including me. I found myself crying and wanted to compromise with Him. :'')

The service ended at about 9:30 pm. Which is very unusual at Word Of Hope because Pastor Dave doesn't want to end services that late. But this time, he had no choice. He didn't want to frustrate the hungry worshipers, and also he didn't want to interfere God's mighty presence. I really hope all of my friends were there. :(

Now I can say, the SERVICE is TOTALLY for me. So much blessed.
One more Service tomorrow! I do hope JP could come.

It's 10:40 PM and I'm still free to live for God

Forgiven and Free

Jeah || Jahaziel Ann
1991, 16th of October
A man trapped in a woman's body. Caffeine addict. Full time Student. Full time Minister.
FEUTamaraw Freshman. AB Mass Communication
An Athlete of God.
iDance. iPerform. iMinister. iServe. iShare. iLove. iLive.

This blog is made to advocate that having an intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ is never dull. Never a bore. But indeed it is full of adventures and fun-filled experiences! This blog is All for HIM, who deserves me and you! I believe He deserves EVERYTHING.
"15 is less than 3"

Be my friend! Let's do some fellowship! :D




At least be careful for every actions that you do. You never know, you may be the ONLY BIBLE other people is reading everyday. Be a good testimony for His fame.

-- Jeah

Acts 20:24 --
"Therefore, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace."

No Silent Readers!

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